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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Tasteless....nice.
  2. Hold on to that dream....
  3. So much for waiting to be certian this time around.
  4. Me too. They should just count every other vote.
  5. I'm sure they're making up vote counts
  6. Looks like the only thing damaged was the license plate
  7. Obama
  8. we're !@#$ed. Goodnight.
  9. Just loaded both with no issues.
  10. King of the Hill has it's moments, but American Dad blows donkey nuts. They both need to end.
  11. He went to Stanford, I for one am shocked.
  12. Our first King since George III, I can't wait.
  13. All that proves is gringo gets laid more than you.
  14. I look at those as a challenge. I want the high score.
  15. 3.5 inning game? Woohoo! Baseball is watchable again.
  16. I need to be saved from my mortgage. Please deposit $115,000 in the bank account to be sent by PM.
  17. There is nothing wrong with an 8 year old at a gun show. Kids raised around guns usually respect them and know how to handle them. The problem is allowing an 8 year old to handle a weapon that is beyond their ability to control. That's just unacceptable.
  18. Oh shut up Rich. There is no reason this team shouldn't have gone 15-1! Divisional opponents on the road should be easy wins.
  19. What part of my post did you fail to read? I said 1. My accounts have been perfectly balanced and 2. One way works for one person, another way for others. I'm not debating that Quicken works for people. I'm offering an alternative. This guy was looking for advice and there are different ways to go. ...and DirectTV sucks
  20. That's exactly why I went to a spreadsheet. I found myself downloading my bank info, then never balancing it. It was way to easy to just trust the software. Oh look, another pretty graph....nap time. If you're lazy like me, forcing yourself to take a more manual approach can be a good thing. My accounts have been perfectly balanced since I started and I feel I'm controling my finances better then I ever did with Quicken. One way works for one person, another way for others. Plus, if your goal is to help reduce spending, not paying for upgrades every two years is a good place to start.
  21. All of the above
  22. I tried Quicken but never kept up to date with it. I found creating a spreadsheet in Excel was the best (and cheapest assuming you have office) solution. You can even find templetes online.
  23. Were you doing 79? If yes, answer is pretty simple.
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