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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. I find the Toronto market unsustainable. The team will be moving to an undeveloped field in Rochester just around the corner from my house.
  2. Can I be the Relocation Consultant?
  3. Yes, it's called zone pricing. NY just passed a law to ban it. The best part is they actually think the oil companies will now charge everybody the lowest price, instead of adjusting everybody to a higher price. Yay for government intervention!
  4. $7 for a Bud? Might as well drink your own urine at that point. You'll get more flavor in that from the beer you drank at the tailgate.
  5. I thought we already had a cure, concentrated cash?
  6. I'll do this right after the Chunky Click for Cans.
  7. Did we? No, I didn't.
  8. Everyone off the bandwagon. You had a good month!
  9. No one will hear my meaningless opinion!
  10. 8 more days until we have to watch them again?
  11. Redistribute the wealth
  12. Article says $2.75 average in Rochester, but it even vary's widely depending on where you are. Henrietta is around $2.40's whereas Greece is around the $2.70's. My regular gas station (BJ's in Henrietta) has been the lowest in the region for a couple months. Thank you Fastrac for creating a price war.
  13. Yeah, I was banking on Osama being dead.
  14. Well in that case, screw CC and it's corporate mismanagement.
  15. I know I always give you sh-- about CC, but I hope you make it through unscaved. You're the type of company man they need to turn their stupidity around.
  16. Seeing how half of North Carolina's population are ex New Yorkers, it was only a matter of time before the shift occured.
  17. I bet she gives great helmet.
  18. That's why when the world ends I'll be sitting at the top of a mountain instead of hiding in a bunker.
  19. She was never more then a neighbor I waved at. But I've decided to refuse to acknowledge her existance from this point on.
  20. How am I going to light my fireplace tonight?
  21. My neighbor has had their Christmas tree up for 2 weeks.
  22. Then he asked for your bank account number and a small fee.
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