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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Why should that be needed? If it's in plain sight then why should any one be responsible for hiding it for the owner? Should all airplanes have the windows blacked out? All highrises have no access to the roof? 20 foot fences in front of every home? All the images in Google Earth can be seen by other methods. You need to hide it, it should be indoors.
  2. That's not why we're fat. Those are fun treats to be enjoyed on a limited basis. The idiocy of eating smaller versions of those daily is why you're fat. But I will admit, I am hungry now.
  3. Tolerance
  4. IMO, the acting sucked. Great concept, cheesy acting. I still watched it though because I wanted to see where they could take it.
  5. And my comment was a figure of speech, not literal.
  6. Hey, you asked for opinions. Don't ask if you don't want responses.
  7. You're sounding trivial because it is trivial. Don't you have a little more to worry about right now then other peoples employment? Let it go.
  8. My wife is one of the few woman who doesn't give a crap about Valentines day. It was a better day for me.
  9. As others have said, flying is safer then most other forms of travel. I'd take a plane over a car any day. It's the lack of control over the situation that scares most people. When you're on the ground, you at least feel like you can do something to save yourself. When you're in the air, you're at the complete mercy of someone else.
  10. If they've been dead for hundreds of years, they've had plenty of time to learn new skills.
  11. Some people need to give electrics another shot. They are far better then they were even 5 years ago. This is by far the best electric I've ever used. Gives a shave just shy of a good blade and is much quicker with less clean up. Worth every penny to me. http://www.shavers.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Sc...un_mens_shavers
  12. If you do buy online, make sure you read what the sites dead pixel return policy is. Many don't let you return the TV unless there are a certian number dead, such as a minimum of 8 dead pixels from Newegg.com. That's a BS policy in my mind. If I'm spending that much on something, I expect it to work perfect out of the box. A single dead pixel is not perfect to me, which is why I prefer big-box stores for LCD's. Granted, dead pixels are much less of a problem now days, but they are still out there.
  13. The only reason to congratulate Republicans would be if they killed this joke of a "stimulus." The American people are starting to change their spending habits, but lets not hold our government to that same standard.
  14. I work with one of his cousins. She agrees with this assessment. That good enough?
  15. Nope, no stipulations. They don't even have to prove the value of their luggage and can file a claim for more if their value was higher.
  16. Bailout!
  17. We pay about 20% of our gross income on the mortgage (and about half that is taxes.) Were very comfortable, but I'd never want to go higher then that.
  18. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he may not have known about it. This would be on his staff as they plan everything. An apology is needed if this is the case though.
  19. Keeps the printing industry booming.
  20. I just checked with my bank and my mortgage has yet to be paid off. What the hell?
  21. Me too. I just remind them my vote doesn't count because I live in NY.
  22. The other thread was just laughable, but you guys deserve to get railed on in this one.
  23. Let me get back to you, my speech writer is at lunch.
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