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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Another excuse to tell my wife for eating a package of bacon. "Just helping eradicate swine flu honey"
  2. I'm confused by your question. You used Canadian and "big wig" in the same topic. If anything, he should be nervous about having dinner with a superior American.
  3. Fad diets suck, but proper eating is essential. It's a complete lifestyle change to live healthy that most people just don't want to commit to, so they always end up fat again. You can't eat a burger everyday, but once a week is fine if you're choosing smart the rest of the week. Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day and not 3 huge ones. John Adams already said it, if you have an iphone or touch, download the lose it app. Use it and don't cheat for a good month, it will change how and what you eat and it will carry over after you stop using it. I thought I knew what I was ingesting before I tried it but I was wrong. It's all about calories. Burn more then you consume and you'll lose weight (watch the calories from fat though, bad.) If you are weight training make certain you are getting a gram of protein per pound of body weight per day or your body will burn muscle instead of fat and you won't see major gains. If you can't swing that in your diet, think about taking a whey protein supplement.
  4. Not a very good wizard, obviously cast a spell to turn his dong into a turtle.
  5. It's about time, but it still doesn't affect the federal law that would supersede the state law. If the DEA decided to start raiding those places they could just like in Cali.
  6. Makes one wonder, when he coughs is it computerized?
  7. I've had a flexible sigmoidoscopy, same great fun but you get to be awake! I'll take a colonoscopy any day of the week over that. Edit: Just saw that Dean had one too. My condolences.
  8. Let's ban baseball/softball because some kids can't hit. Ban football because some can't catch. Ban running because some kids are too fat. !@#$ this.
  9. It's still real to him, dammit!
  10. Who compiles 24,000 posts on a message board?
  11. I can rock the orange button.
  12. It's already being fought http://www.fiercetelecom.com/story/congres...ling/2009-04-13 Someone was bound to try it eventually, TW was just the first in a big market without much competition. The push-back has been severe which is why they are already trying to save face by changing the limits. Unfortunetly, I think Massa's bill will fail, and TW will implement it. Even if it passes the court battles will commence. Other companies will use it as a marketing tool for awhile to get people to switch to them. Eventually, all providers will switch to this model as it will be more profitable to them and they will be fighting over who offers the largest cap for the lowest price. Only the cities with a lot of high speed competition are likely keep the old model. No Fios in Rochester and Frontier DSL is a joke. Unless it gets blocked, Rochester will be stuck.
  13. I saw it on Amazon but it's more expensive. Some people complain they haven't received everything included when they ordered from them too. I'm basically doing the diet already. Outside of some minor tweeks, that won't be a problem. Once I get in the mindset I'm good to go, it's just having someone tell me exactly what to do everyday that I need, and I can't afford a personal trainer.
  14. I've heard nothing but positives and plan on trying it in the near future. I let myself go the last couple of years and I want to be in the best shape of my life when I turn 30 (August). I've been working on weight loss and rebuilding core strength before I jump into it. I need something to guide me because I get lazy trying to do things on my own. If I'm telling myself to do 10, I'll stop at 8. But someone else tells me to do it and I will. I just wish it was sold in stores, I hate buying anything off an infomercial website.
  15. Haven't seen the ads, but if it was in the budget I'd take a flight to NZ tomorrow.
  16. Slight problem with that. When more ISP's start moving towards the usage based fee's, streaming HD content will not be cost effective. Time Warner is already adding more cities, Rochester being one of them. I'd like to think this model won't last, but when other providers realize how much money is to be had I think they'll start changing in greater numbers. It basically restricts people from using services such as Netflix and driving people to the ISP's own offerings.
  17. We have enough crazies in America, we certianly don't need any imports. Sucks for the good immigrants, a lot of them probably thought they were escaping this type of sh--.
  18. Green, Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Green. I Rock
  19. Do you get a mulligan?
  20. Yeah, your right. How dare people play a game. I guess anyone playing Call of Duty 4 should go shoot people in real life instead. I play drums and have no desire to learn guitar and I know I look like a retard when playing it, but it's about killing time on the weekend and having some fun with friends. Mindless entertainment can be fun after a hard week. I guess the real question is, why does it bother you so much? And just to add, Metallica sucks.
  21. Probably from boredom of jogging in place.
  22. We had a girl at work fill out a bracket. I took one look at it, explained it a little better and told her to redo it. Day one, her first bracket leads with 13 points. (Day 2 is where her laughable picks come into paly though.)
  23. It's not throwing away, it's signing away. You have a choice to sign that paper or not to. Most rational people probably wouldn't sign it, and those who don't read it and object afterwards get to learn a good lesson.
  24. I don't see the issue here. No one forces you to sign the waiver and if you sign something without reading it you're an idiot. Don't like the policy, find a new doctor. Enough people don't like the policy, the doctor's will have to change it.
  25. And that's a BS assumption. I know more then a few people that would go back to smoking it if it wasn't for drug testing at their employer.... I'd put money on the fact that more people would smoke it. (and I'm not arguing the merits of that link at all as I haven't read it.)
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