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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. She's hot? Sure, she has a nice rack but who doesn't now days. She has a face like a horse, and that's hard to fix.
  2. Just think about it this way, why would they sell an extended warranty if they didn't make money off of it? They are cash cows. Sure, maybe 5% of people who buy them get a full return but are you willing to invest that much money with those odds? If you are, I'd go to the casino and put it on a hand of blackjack. Plus, you have to look at the exclusions. Most of the normal wear and tear items won't be covered which is the majority of what you would need to replace. It's no where near worth it in my book, but some people like the peace of mind it provides.
  3. I second the temp work. If she has half a brain, she already has a step ahead of the majority of temps I've worked with. It may not be as steady of work, but if she lands a good gig it could be full time and will pay more then retail. Plus, she'll get something that looks pretty good on a resume. Worst she can do is put her name in at an agency and be told there is nothing.
  4. Do you really think you'll have $3000 in repairs in the next 6 years? Even with a Jeep, I wouldn't bet that amount of money on it. Think about it, even if the tranny fails you still haven't recouped the warrenty cost.
  5. I don't.....pssstt (I'm a Republican ) Ed still around?
  6. Did you say victim? In 3...2...1.... http://www.democratandchronicle.com/articl...rea+dealerships
  7. I'd like them to start posting the test scores of pilots before I get on the plane. Christ, incompetence is the one thing I didn't think I had to worry about when flying.
  8. Good thing they lived off campus http://www.wsbtv.com/news/19365762/detail.html
  9. Quoted for approval Hey Paul....
  10. Holy hell. Idiocracy here we come. I will say that does look like a mean burger though.
  11. Really? 4 minutes of this on live TV? Wow.....just when I think "news" can't decline any lower. You win MSNBC. http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=333563
  12. I disagree. Cut out the creatine but use the whey protein. It is very hard to get the required amount of protein for muscle building per day just by diet. If you are, you may be eating too much, especially if you are also trying to burn fat. The goal is to cut calories while increasing protein to acheive good lean results. The body can only process a set amount of protein per hour so as long as you are not eating high protein meals and drinking it one after another it is helping you. It also absorbs a lot faster than food sources of protein so it is really helpful taken post workout. Whey protein is an excellent supplement. I thought I was doing well before I started using it (and every meal I had was high in protein), but the gains I had after one month of use equaled the previous three months of lifting without it.
  13. Some of the products do work, but who in their right mind would pay $19.95 for something that would be $4 on a store shelf?
  14. I'm sure he cares what people think as he swims in his piles of $100 bills. He's gotten rich as a modern day snake oil salesman fooling the idiots of America. It's a good gig if you can get it.
  15. Just saw a chopper shot of it on the weather channel. Completely ripped to shreds. They're lucky if no one was seriously injured.
  16. Why people would take any supplements that haven't been tested is beyond me.
  17. Please don't. True unintentional comedy is so hard to find on the internet now days.
  18. Nothing like causing panic in the ignorant. Fortunetly, even the ignorant know Biden is an idiot.
  19. Like how many carbon credits it will take to offset the melting glacial ice from this flight?
  20. They activated the emergency auto-caller at my wife's school today with a statement about the flu and what to look for, etc... She's hoping over-reactive parents keep their kids home so she has less work.
  21. Anything is ok in moderation. Completly cutting out something you love isn't realistic because you will never maintain that lifestyle.
  22. B word forgot the wings.
  23. Time for a new Rooney Rule
  24. plenzmd1 could have really used this yesterday.
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