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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Nothing like a well timed shutter.
  2. She's not hot, so it's wrong.
  3. I've never figured out why anyone gives two craps about what other people buy. Fanboys suck.
  4. I think you summed it up well with WTF....no further comments needed.
  5. By helping him out?
  6. Do you want to get out of it? I can email the judge this link.
  7. Yes, Andres Escobar '94 World Cup against the US.
  8. I go out on it and jump up and down just to scare the other people.
  9. Well sh--, now I only have my wife to yell at me in the middle of the night.
  10. Have you ever watched them side by side? Most people haven't. I used to feel the same way as you until a friend set up two tv's side by side and the difference was amazing. When I looked at HDTV by itself I never saw how big of a difference it was. Either that, or you need new glasses.
  11. Had twins...tried for one more and had sextuplets. TV cameras rolled, hit series for housewives. I'll admit, I'm watching now to see which episode Jon hangs himself in.
  12. You don't care, middle aged woman who read tabloids do. They probably ask why we care about football. To each is own, I guess. Only time I've ever seen them is on American Chopper. They were building a bike for Jon. I'm sure TLC paid for the cross-promotion. Jon seemed miserable. Did nothing but rip on his wife the whole time. It was freakin hilarious. Feel bad for the kids though...those girls are going to rebel something fierce against their mother.
  13. You insult meatloaf and you think saying expensive wine will upset people? What are you, some kind of commie?
  14. Anyone who plays golf on a hole next to me better be courageous.
  15. Ok Mr. Fancy Pants. What are you, some kind of European!? We're in America boy! [/Hank Hill]
  16. I used it about 2 years ago to find a roofing company in Rochester. There were enough reviews then to make it worth my time (not money, as I was a part of the free launch period.) Even if there are only a handful of reviews (which i doubt) for Buffalo, it's extremly cheap to sign up and when you're about to spend thousands on a project, is dropping the equivalent of a large pizza and order of wings on research worth it? You decide. My method of using it was to get recomendations from family and friends then bounce them off angie's list to see if everyone gets quality work. I won't do my next major project without signing back up.
  17. I wouldn't call Monty a prick, he just lets people get to him. You're playing in the Ryder Cup on American soil and you react to the taunts? They'll eat you alive after that. Don't give the fans ammo and they'll try someone else. Every time he played in the US after that he was killed by the gallery. I'd start being a jerk too as he couldn't save his image at that point. American fans have started to embrace him more in recent years though, because I think most feel he isn't really a jerk and the taunting is only fun for so long. VJ on the other hand.....
  18. I've never been a fan of when players call a course unfair as they all play the same course, but Shinnecock did border on ridiculous. It's not likely to happen anymore as Mike Davis (he's the USGA guy setting up to courses now) has a different philosophy that's really worked the last couple of years. In my mind, the US Open winner should be at -1. It should take great shots to get birdies and you should be punished severly for bad ones.
  19. I plan my first vacation around the US Open every year. Couldn't get "just in case Monday" off this year though... Pulling hard for Phil like a lot of people. Would be happy with Rocco too. Duval is the story at the moment, but I think he drops off the leaderboard after round 2. I enjoy watching Tiger's march to the greatest of all time, but there are too many other good stories this year to want him to win. Sounds like another wash out tomorrow, hopefully they get a lot of golf in though.
  20. I'd say you may want to elaborate for our non east coast friends, but then the topic becomes much more boring. I say roll with it.
  21. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
  22. Hell, I went to state school and I wish I had done this. Unfortunetly, there used to be a stigma attached to attending a community college. It was viewed as for the poor or dumb kids. I'm glad to see that is changing before my kids reach that age.
  23. Then you're looking for zoom. Don't expect any type of action shot to come out without blur, especially at long range. Hope he has a steady hand too. Best your going to get for your money looks to be this. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/6019...ra.html#reviews Don't know anything about the camera so can't speak to it. I'm a Canon guy and when I don't want to lug around the dSLR, we throw the older version of this in my wife's purse. I'd go with that if you can find a cheaper price.
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