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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Best episode ever http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdWhHfjUWXM
  2. Something to do with the Genesee River meeting the water and the pier cutting of the circulation. At least those are the parts I remember from yearly news reports about it. I was out near Sodus Bay yesterday and the water was clear and odor free.
  3. Yep. My last quarterly bill was about $34 for two people.
  4. True, but the region did see a pretty significant decline over the past 10 years. If these people moved to other counties, please correct me. None of these studies mean anything for the northeast at the end of the day. Give the region about 20 years and people will be looking to make the great lakes their new home. The water out west isn't going to last forever and people are going to start realizing they need to move where the water is, not move the water to them. The key will be the day when businesses figure this out (and if a meteor could fall on Albany to speed this up, that would be a bonus.)
  5. Ok, and? Just because the cities lost between 5 and 10 percent doesn't mean the region did. Did this study take into account people moving to the burbs? Nope. They are only talking about the city limits, not the region. Rochester isn't dying. It isn't flourishing, but doesn't belong on a list like that. It only gives you one part of the equation and makes for a scary headline. Population has been stagnant for years, neither growing or declining in great numbers, at least for the Rochester region. Buffalo on the other hand.... http://www.google.com/publicdata?ds=uspopu...117:36073:36037
  6. Eh. Better wings already in town. You go to the original anchor bar to pay homage, not for the best wings. I don't see the point of patronizing this one.
  7. Quite honestly, anyone who searches for and watches this is no better then the person who taped it. It was done without her knowledge. It's not like other celebrity films where they were knowingly taped.
  8. If she swallows.
  9. I don't think Chef is saying cultural differences don't play a role. But show me one statement in that article that couldn't apply to any other couple. Sure sounds like everyday challenges to me. In fact, if there were no pictures and their race wasn't mentioned you'd assume they were white in the first half of the article.
  10. I do every time I play, not hard at all. About 100 other players every week never seem to get caught on camera swearing. (And yes, I know Tigers on camera more often.) Like I said, Tiger represents the game well, that's just one part he could use a little work on.
  11. The swearing isn't classy. Many kids around. Other then that, Tiger does represent the game well.
  12. Westwood is in the best position right now. If he eagles 17 say goodnight. If Tom can par out and Westwood faulters he'll win. I think Goggin will put up a big number at some point.
  13. What an amazing display of golf he put on today. I hope he can top it tomorrow. You can't root against him. Helping Marino look for his ball was pure class. Not many players of today would do that.
  14. If you're looking for beer on tap check out MacGregor's. Distillery's food is much better though. http://www.macgregorsgrillandtaproom.net/beers.asp
  15. Best wings? How long have you been away? http://www.jeremiahstavern.com/ hands down.
  16. Shut it, Mr. President.
  17. Please tell me it was cut-off shorts and a wife beater. Even if it wasn't, I want that visual. Maybe add that he had a mullet too.
  18. There are many unemployed people out there that deserve all your jobs.
  19. Think of all the pudding that could have bought.
  20. You think he's upset now? Wait until he actually starts his career and isn't making anywhere near $33 an hour. He should be looking for internships, volunteer work in his field. That's how he'll get his foot in the door. And by looking, I mean actively persuing, not waiting to see something on careerbuilder.
  21. Had a coworker tell me today that NY now accepts online defensive driving courses. Only reason I've never taken one is because you have to waste 6 hours in a classroom. Now you can kick back and watch TV while the course runs. Nice. http://www.nysdmv.com/pirp.htm#ipirp
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