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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Great first episode so far. Hopefully the prison doesn't turn into another farm.
  2. I figured it out half way through...made it a whole lot funnier.
  3. Yeah, well....Brady could always bruise a hair follicle and be out for the game, so there is hope.
  4. Can someone tell Mario that Brady is the reason the Bills gave him fat stacks?
  5. Noodle arm strikes again
  6. Hurt us worse than what we just saw? The Pats came in thinkin he Bills wouldn't blitz, its on tape. Play conservative all day and Brady will tear them apart anyways. No risk.....
  7. Not a single !@#$ing blitz on that drive.
  8. Just saw on ESPN too. No excuses now....win or this is the same old team.
  9. Has she tried to contact you at all? If not, that is your final piece of the puzzle.
  10. Superman was one of my favorites too, but the sound was god awful. Could never find the last piece of the bridge either. Spiderman was another top game for me.
  11. Yep, it's a mobile issue. Just got mine, thanks for posting this!
  12. ET.....the first time I ever threw a controller at the TV. NO! I did NOT touch the !@#$ing side making me fall to the bottom of the pit again! River Raid was always my favorite 2600 game.
  13. Of course, "You have died of dysentery". Bonus points to the kids who named their characters swear words who forever appeared on the tombstones in the game.
  14. Opie had to go, his character became boring and one dimensional. Only place they could take him was to kill off Clay, and that's not gonna happen soon.
  15. Can't remember the game, but it was on a Magnavox Odyssey
  16. Strongly worded I hope.
  17. Not as bad as Thurman to the Dolphins.
  18. Wait, you live in NYC and you've been eating Papa Johns??? Did you burn your tastebuds off as a child?
  19. What are you, some kind of 'MERICA! hater?
  20. No. The only thing better then the Bills beating the Patriots is watching Billy B while he's losing. I don't want any excuses on why the Bills won if they do.
  21. That last drive has been brought to you by Benny Hill.
  22. Good job D. It's your game to win.
  23. They don't respect the replacements.
  24. Underthrown.
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