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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. His legacy will live forever.......through Guitar Hero.
  2. Computer models can hardly forecast accurately a week in advance, and they believe this is useful? Silly scientists.
  3. But it's still your first impression. Like other's said, lose the sneakers, iron everything and you're golden.
  4. Even at 14 my hand still would have been the more attractive option.
  5. Ask the people you're calling for their best recipe. Best one gets the job.
  6. That was just idiotic, way to waste that play in a meaningless game.
  8. This could be a late night...where's the orchestra music for Ralph?
  9. You're insured by Time Warner?
  10. You're lucky, I would have paid a thief to steal mine.
  11. Sounds like they were doing you a favor.
  12. Roommates?
  13. The bad ones from both generations tend to come from the same families, at least in my experience. The parents of the baby boomer generation are the ones that gave us kids everything, leading to the sense of entitlement and not having to work hard for it. I'm glad I didn't have that type of parent.
  14. It's only been 3 months in this economy....feelings of entitlement, I love my generation.
  15. Shhhhhhhhhhhh
  16. Nice. Thanks. Dates of local intrest; Nov 13, 2009 Rochester Dec 13, 2009 Albany Dec 30, 2009 Buffalo
  17. I'm not a fan of either, but damn. NSFW (or young children in the room)
  18. I heard that Steely Dan's favorite store is Hot Topic.
  19. Regardlass of the legalities, there isn't a market for your photos. Take them for fun, you're not going to profit.
  20. Doing a mass ban of all the "I's" in this thread would solve many of this boards problems.
  21. Sounds like the same problem I had, yellowjackets. From my research on them (trying to find the cheapest way out of course) the queen starts a new colony and they start appearing slowly in June. They can reach numbers around 4-5 thousand by fall. They'll all die off in the fall, with only the new queens overwintering and she'll find a new site next spring. I could stand by the hole and they would fly right by. Anytime the lawnmower got close though they got a little angry so we had a guy come spray for $125. He missed the nest the first time and they found a new way out around the dust he applied. Came back for free and got them. Whatever you do don't seal the hole, they'll find a way through the house if they need to.
  22. Not always illegal to kill them, depends on local regulations. Chances are you're going to have to do a cut-out. Even if they are killed in the wall, the comb will rot and honey will ruin your walls. There are people out there that will do it for cheap or even free so they can keep the bees for themselves. Are you sure they are honeybees? I thought I had that problem too but they ended up being german yellowjackets. Exterminator took care of those. If there are a lot hanging around the entrance they are probably honeybees. If they fly directly in and out they are yellowjackets.
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