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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Those are three words that do not belong together.
  2. Thanks for the link. Been listening for a few hours and even though it's webcast they still sound f'in awesome.
  3. Actually, I've been quite surprised by the members of this board and the maturity and understanding they have shown, outside of a few who either didn't understand why he was speaking that way, or just didn't care.
  4. If you're being serious, I'd be happy to answer it.
  5. Yawn. You've shown your cards and you're holding the same hand as myself. But continue to pretend they are different. Kind of silly to take an opening shot and call truce after the return volley, but I had no desire to continue this anyways.
  6. Really? You hit reply for that? Find where I've gotten personal with someone for something they can't control or outside of stupid internet banter? Even if I have, you pick this thread to point that out? Where all I was doing was putting a personal perspective out there so maybe a few unknowledgeable people could learn a little something instead of jumping on the wagon ridiculing this poor kid? I expected more out of you cincy.
  7. Yeah, this is an old thread but I'm bringing it back up after the attention it's now getting on youtube and the deleted thread. Few here know I'm a stutter, fortunately mine is mild. My first name is one of the hardest things for me to say as it is a sound combination I often block on. Because of it, I go by my middle name in the workplace. Answering the phone would be impossible if I didn't. I get why people jumped on this and thought is was just another stupid football player that can't speak the English language. His coping mechanism of "you know" doesn't help. I had to watch it twice to pick up on the fact he was using avoidance techniques for a stutter. I've give this kid all the credit in the world for even taking the podium and attempting the most gut wrenching thing for a stutterer to attempt, public speaking. Stuttering is one of the least understood disabilities (and I use disability loosely as I don't consider mine one). If you can't speak, you're often considered uneducated when that couldn't be further from the truth. http://www.mnsu.edu/comdis/kuster/famous/famouspws.html
  8. What's his 40 time?
  9. Looks like your answer right there. Non-HD programming looks like crap on HDTV's. Some channels are worse then others. You'll get used to it.
  10. No, but Creed rocks!
  11. Hey guys, look at the size of my....
  12. Tracylee in 3...2..... I know Chef Jim will be getting his Ringo on when Beatles Rockband comes out Wednesday.
  13. Good job Duke boy, you douche.
  14. !@#$ Greg Paulus. Now that I got that out of the way, that was the best Syracuse drive I've seen since......who the hell knows.
  15. Outside of the Smug.
  16. It's like he sent it snail mail. You'd think they could invent something that provides instant communication.
  17. Can they isn't the question. It's should they. And for that I vote with a unequivocal no. Don't try to alter mother nature, you will lose.
  18. Aren't they mandatory for new inground pools now? I thought I saw something about that on the news. May want to look into that as well to factor in the cost. Edit After a quick search, yep.
  19. Even they consider you too crazy?
  20. The arrogance of man, gotta love it. When will we realize that we don't control the world, it controls us?
  21. It's hard for his ilk to understand PastaJoe
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