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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Imagine the women of their opening ceramony....must see TV.
  2. Darn. Now the world will miss out on the cultural wonder that is "Da Bears" skit of the opening ceremony.
  3. Weren't the big ice storms in el nino years though? At least in Rochester I think they were. I'll take cold and snow over a week without power any day.
  4. Can we take this back to my thread so I can close it?
  5. Not wrong, try again. For a no premium MA plan you are correct. There are a lot of MA plans that provide more benefits. And as I said, reimbursment rates need to be fixed. But don't forget that passing the administration off to private insurers takes it away from the government providing them with less administration. Give everything back and that 12% disappears pretty quickly. They'll no longer have the private plans to do their dirty work. Insurers are made responsible for many things that Medicare should be and it's a good thing. You think private insurers are inefficent? Ha. If you had to deal with Medicare on a daily basis, you'd see what inefficent could really be.
  6. I like the 4pm starts, gives me a chance to get a nap in.
  7. For some people, fear is the only way to achieve respect. Example A, anarchists who are hell bent on causing trouble. Without fear, their "protests" would be uglier than they already are.
  8. We don't even offer a no premium MA plan. That does suck for seniors that get roped into one thinking it's providing additional benefits. There are a lot of shady practices in the world of Medicare. I can't tell you how many times we have members disenrolled from our plan because they were tricked into signing something for another plan. The recent tax on insurers is enough to answer that question. Nooooooo, of course we won't pass that along to our members. Idiots.
  9. Gets really funny at 2:40. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT2XyIBMWUY...ture=popt00us01 In other news...proof there are still Lions fans.
  10. Close...........but better. If a senior signs up for a cheap or no premium MA plan, then you are correct. They are going to incur a lot of OOP expenses. No premium MA plans offer no more coverage than traditional Medicare. There are many moderate cost MA plans out there where people won't incur the costs you speak of for a cheaper premium than Medigap, all while recouping some of the cost by the additional wellness benefits they receive. You can still incur OOP expenses with Medigap policies as well, especially if you pick the wrong one. Stuck in network? Who cares. Most seniors have their doctors and don't stray from them. There are also PPO options available with a national network and no referrels, still chaper than Medigap. I'm sure you do have experiences with people who picked the wrong coverage. But we wouldn't retain over 90% of our existing members year after year if that was the norm. It's far from the abject failure you say it is. I stand by the fact there is a lot that can be fixed, but face it, different options are better for different people. Also, keep in mind you're looking at this from your perspective in PA. I'm in NY with what is basically the model plan that sets the national standard. We may both have valid points based on the offerings in our areas.
  11. Quebec...ha. Call me when this is relevant to me as an American.
  12. From my first post..... Of course the police need to behave. They over step their bounds sometimes. I think they could have handled the bike girl better. But then again, there is nothing to show what lead up to that. If police use excessive force punish them, but in the second video there is none of that. Just protesters complaining when the police do their job.
  13. From Cincy's link Ummm, yeah. Of course we have the right to assemble. But there are guidelines in place to keep it orderly and prevent it from disrupting others lives who want no part in it. These people generally don't play by the rules. And yes, a minority will ruin it for the majority.
  14. Clueless douchbags that think they are actually fighting a cause, but don't know what it is. 'nuff said.
  15. Yawn. It's very easy to hold a peaceful protest, something these people have no intention of doing. Fun part is, you ask half of them what they are protesting against and they couldn't tell you. Yeah, the bike girl was too aggresive at first, but the proper response is not to throw your bike at them, it's to get the !@#$ out of there. A casual walk generally isn't a good idea. I'd also like to see what preceded the pushing. A lot of times these videos are conveniently edited. The second video.... tough ****. You're told to disperse and you hang around then expect to have force used against you. Leave means leave, not hang around and act all tough like the rules don't apply to you.
  16. Except that premiums for Medigap plans are generally more expensive and create a greater annual cost to seniors, especially if you have employer group MA plan retiree benefits. A healthy senior would be wasting money with a Medigap plan. MA plans provide a better balance by saving the seniors money but giving the safety net for catastrophic events. Not to mention, they lose out on wellness benefits that often offset the premium for MA plans.
  17. Plus, you don't need to go the full home server route...it's an extreme way of doing it for those with the funds. I back all my data up on an external hard drive and lock it in a fire-proof safe. Same price as doing it on a Mac.
  18. Light switches are there for a reason....use them.
  19. After factoring in the start-up cost of owning a Mac vs a PC, that solution doesn't sound so outrageous.
  20. Is that the technical term for it now?
  21. It's been anything but. Medicare Advantage is the only way most seniors get the care they actually need. Reimbursment rates are absurd and need to be fixed, but dropping MA plans will leave seniors paying for A LOT more of the care they receive and can't afford.
  22. How about you pay for it yourself? I don't understand the expectation of parents paying for anything after high school. If they offer then awesome. Otherwise, pay for the wedding YOU want.
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