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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. I used to love AMD and preferred them over P3's-4's, but since the Core Duo's came out, they haven't been able to match the performance. They still play an important role in keeping Intel prices down, and offer a solid option for the budget minded. I went to the Core i7 platform in the spring and I'm glad I did. Nothing I've ever used can touch it, but it did take a (pricey) clean start due to the socket change and being an somewhat early adopter. Can't beat the deal you got for a value to performance upgrade.
  2. If only the Bills could buy a championship. Sigh.
  3. Well, if everyone else is doing it.......
  4. And paid for all of it, I'm sure.
  5. Looks like they are currently 2nd class media. DVD/CD's are like LCD screens, only a handful of places actually produce them, then they get rebranded. Found the link I've always used to check what media I'm getting. http://www.digitalfaq.com/reviews/dvd-media.htm
  6. They probably both have day passes. Use one and walk around them. I did this for BJ's and Sam's and found BJ's had more products that I buy. We don't have Costco in NY, but from what I read on the intertubes there is a lot of love for them. Plus, how can you beat this?
  7. I'm a big fan of Taiyo Yuden. Never had a coaster that wasn't my own fault.
  8. How exactly would it be a hoax? I grew up in that town. It was either 95 or 96 when I was in it. I've known people from the late 80's through the 90's that have been in there an experienced some weird ass ****. I was in there in the middle of summer and I experienced a cold unlike any other I've ever felt. Don't ask me what it was, but I'm sure as hell not going back to find out.
  9. When I was about 13, a saw a bright light at night coming in towards a small town airport, but it was taking an unusual path. It stop over the airport (or close to it) for about 15 seconds, then shot straight up into the sky and out of sight. Was it a UFO? Technically, I couldn't identify it, so yes. Anybody who spends some time at night in Dansville's "Castle on the Hill", would have a hard time denying unexplainable things. I'll never set foot back in that place. I was a young stupid teen when I did.
  10. Amazing isn't it. I built a Core i7 machine last spring and I had thought my previous P4 rig was fast.
  11. My cold bathroom floor becomes my best friend during a migraine. Easy access to the toilet is an added benefit.
  12. Welcome to the 21st century.
  13. Anybody pick this up for PC yet? How is it? I'm trying to find a time waster now that they killed Modern Warfare 2.
  14. Regardless of his reasons for it, I say GOOD! Signs are stupid. Fans who make signs are stupid. Fans who hold up signs in front of other fans are very stupid. I paid to watch the game, not the back of your piece of cardboard. I wish all stadiums would ban signs.
  15. Tells me I get to watch the better game.
  16. Tell me it automatically emails Infinity Ward "F-U" every 5 minutes and I'll go buy it tonight.
  17. Are the updates really an issue? You shut down the computer and walk away...they do it on their own.
  18. Can't this year...have a conflict.
  19. Today and tomorrow only http://www.amazon.com/Trans-Siberian-Orche...ntt_mus_gen_pel
  20. Windows ME to begin with. 95 and 98 weren't as good either. Vista got a bad rap that it never recovered from (with your take on it even though never using it being the perfect evidence as to why.) I was building a new gaming rig and wanted to go 64 bit, but was very hesitant because XP was always solid for me and didn't want to wait for 7. I've been running it for over 6 months without a single issue. It's been more stable for me then both XP or 2000 were, and that's saying something. It might not be the best, but it far from sucks.
  21. Ummmm.....no.
  22. Is it? I'll have to go back to taking my nap during the game.
  23. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be asking my wife to take a cab in the middle of the night to the middle of nowhere.
  24. Wouldn't the flight attendants have noticed something was wrong about a half hour after the scheduled arrival and contacted the cockpit? At the very least, they should have heard a "beginning descent" announcement. I've never been on a flight that left on time where there was no communication from the captain about arriving late. Maybe it's time the flight attendants are tasked with checking on the cockpit at prescribed intervals.
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