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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Quick....renew those season tickets! Sorry, this does nothing for my apathy dial. Phillips, Williams, Mularky, Jauron.....call me when the main problem is taken care of.
  2. I don't think the Olsen twins are even afraid of Jesse.
  3. But....but.....I thought they were for safety!?
  4. The way I see it, if I press the button it has as good of chance of being Ralph as anyone, and that's a risk I'm willing to take.
  5. There is nothing further to be discussed in this thread, it can now be closed.
  6. and Balls of Fury (Widescreen Edition)
  7. Reason # 495 why I love NY.
  8. Now that the Modern Warfare fanfare is winding down, next up is the throwback 2d side-scroller. Been waiting for this one for years, hope it isn't a letdown. Who's picking this up on Sunday?
  9. You are way too nice.
  10. Can I be VP of Quality Control?
  11. I live at the end of a no outlet road. Every storm that blows through I have my fingers crossed one of the giant trees along it will topple.
  12. Kind of like the Pep Boys?
  13. Did you hear that Steven Tyler quit Aerosmith?
  14. 3.5
  15. "Accidently" drive through it then call your insurance company.
  16. Yes, you actually have to pay to put this thing on your car. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...0016&Ref=AR
  17. The only delusional one seems to be Joe Perry. Sorry Joe, you're nothing without Tyler, and that's already been proven once before.
  18. BOOOOOOO. !@#$ Infinity Ward.
  19. Kinda, yeah. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle6907235.ece This fail has been brought to you by Steely Dan...redefining fail since 2007.
  20. In High School, yeah. But come on, these are college kids. They can stand up for themselves, and while what she did was stupid, the other team didn't do a whole hell of a lot to put an end to it. I played soccer in high school and one kid was trying to injure players on our team. So what did I do? Broke his leg. Not on purpose, but I was trying to teach him a lesson with a hard tackle from behind. I got my point across.
  21. Night Castle is basically Savatage 2.0....so yeah, there will be a lot.
  22. Dopped calls! Dropped calls! Dropped calls!
  23. I now know what to get you.
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