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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. That's like asking Coke or Pepsi. 20 opinions from 20 people.
  2. Swing and a miss...strike one. Way to pick the extreme example. Colorado - Okla St? LSU - Miss? Oregon - Arizona? Cal - Stanford? Shall I go on?
  3. I'd submit that college football/basketball are the most exciting sports on TV. You might get an NFL game once every few weeks that lives up to the hype, while there can easily be 3 or 4 a week in these other sports. Frankly, I was done with the NFL about 5 years ago. I'm just a casual observer now, background noise for a lazy Sunday. And winter olympics in HD.
  4. Fair enough. At least you're not a hypocrite.
  5. I was just using that as an opportunity to bash Duke....I don't care about your lovers spat. BTW...good luck Monday.
  6. If you want to be a douche, go start a thread about Duke. It doesn't belong here.
  7. Wow. No one could have predicted this team, would be this good, this early. It's going to be an interesting year.
  8. HOT DAMN! Up by 17. Don't blow it.....
  9. Can you say "I need to get laid"? Very good! Keep practicing.
  10. Be VERY careful with camera discounters. The vast majority are scams.
  11. Flynn was fun to watch, but when you have a guy like that the talent of others can be overshadowed and wasted. When it comes to college ball, give me 5 solid players over 1 great and 4 average players any day. Melo without G-Mac wouldn't have won that championship. Flynn didn't have a G-Mac and weaknesses were easily exposed last year.
  12. Best all around team I've seen for 'cuse in a very long time. There is no "star" that can get in the way, no single person other teams can shutdown, but five well rounded players on the floor at all times. They put on a clinic of zone defense last night. They'll still have growing pains and WTF moments, but this is a solid team. Probable sweet 16 contenders this year, probably not more. But watch out next year......although, if they keep growing as a team they may be a late season shocker. Cal doesn't impress me like they do the pollsters, they're a team of raw talent without much substance. Tonight will tell if it was a fluke, or a preview. They don't have to win, but if they keep it close other teams better take note.
  13. Did you figure that out all on your own?
  14. Did you do it? If yes, plead guilty and own up to it.
  15. What's the point of yours?
  16. They've been re-running episodes every night and during the day. I'm sure this weeked will have a marathon too. It's the history channel, so yo know it will be on 100 times in the next month.
  17. Paging .Hogboy
  18. Personal visit. Aqua Net convention in town.
  19. Normally I'd say yeah, that sucks. But after 10+ years of crap, I don't care what they think of one guys feelings.
  20. The color is what makes it feel more real to me. B&W always makes it seem like a different world, that it's not even real. I can't get attached to B&W footage. There was a series about the great depression from not to long ago with color footage that completly changed my image about it.
  21. Yuck. First wave?
  22. As someone who just turned 30, unfortunetly there is a lot of truth to that. It's going to be a sad day when the last of the greatest generation die. I've always considered myself lucky to hear the first hand accounts from my grandfather, who was stationed with Macarthur in the Philippians.
  23. Anyone else watching this on the history channel? I'm enjoying this as much, if not more than the Ken Burns PBS series. You're missing out if you're a history buff.
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