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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Thank you for that. I'll be reciting the book in my head for the next hour now.
  2. Yes, it was. He deployed sensors to capture readings inside of the tornados. He stayed as far away as possible (granted, given the nature of his research required risk) and would often refuse to deploy his sensors if there was any question about his teams safety. He was doing this for a cause, not because he was a thrill seeking yahoo like some of the chasing idiots. Is a fireman a dumbass because they run into burning buildings? Are the hurricane hunters dumb for flying into hurricanes to collect data to warn coastal residents? They're doing it to save people as well. This tornado made an unexpected turn to the north when it was pulled into the core of the storm and caught even the best off guard. I do agree with the fact that 98% of the chasers out there are dumbasses and shouldn't be there, in fact they make it more dangerous for the legit researchers. These guys weren't part of that 98% though.
  3. This was one of the safest and most respected guys out there. He was all about research, not one of those idiot thrill seekers. He knew it was a dangerous profession, but his research was invaluable. These guys are trying to learn why certain storms develop tornados and improve warnings for the public. His research will help contribute to saving more lives then the three that were lost that day. Hardly a dumbass.
  4. It's actually for a IMAX movie. Sean Casey has been looking for this shot for about 10 years. Google TIV2 and you'll see the vehicle. Reed Timmer chases in the same type of vehicle too, but he does more research and uses the footage he films to fund it.
  5. I got nowhere else to go.
  6. If you like those types of videos..... http://www.reddit.com/r/JusticePorn
  7. Yep. Same thing happened with 9/11, there were bombs everywhere that morning. I thought the media would have learned but nope.
  8. Yes she's in for serious grief and it's certainly not the media's fault, but as a parent if I ever saw my son on TV like that it would put me into a complete meltdown. Sometimes ignorance is good until you can be by their side. I'm not disagreeing with your point that we shouldn't see these images, just thinking about that mother.
  9. You can see that guy on a clip that abc was playing over and over again. I was surprised they kept playing it, imagine being his mother and watching that on tv without knowing about your son.
  10. Nice to see I'm not the only one. Joan is funny as hell.
  11. Neti pot. The day I finally tried it I felt like an idiot for living without it.
  12. It is the Flower City. Hasn't been the Flour City since the mid 1800's. There was a shift from milling to one of the largest producers of flower seeds in the world.
  13. I like thick women too, but there are limits.
  14. Community is the only decent show on that network, but like a lot of good shows (i.e. Arrested Development) it wasn't dumbed down enough to appeal to the masses. Now with Harmon gone, outside of sports I have no reason to turn on NBC.
  15. Tiger can get just about any peach he wants, he's not missing anything. As they say, no matter how hot you are, some man, somewhere is sick of her ****.
  16. That's a very overused phrase for news stories, but this time it fits perfectly. I'm horrified at this and I can generally detach myself from major events without much emotion.
  17. Nah, her skills are with her hands. So are mine, we need women for the other stuff.
  18. Hope it does better than the ones in Rochester. Anchor bar is a must visit to pay homage, but you don't need to go back as others are vastly superior. And you certianly don't need to go to a franchise.
  19. Power went out for me about 12:30, sump pump had been working overtime until then. Long night with no sleep monitoring that situation for me.
  20. I've been doing that too, sounds like a game of monopoly.
  21. Not in my car, but if you want to get rid of ants just get some terro traps, those things are like crack for ants. Not only took care of the parade coming through my house this summer, they completely nuked the ant nation in my mulch outside our front door in 2 days.
  22. Condoms? For balloon animals?
  23. Only for higher elevations in west virgina up through pennsylvania, there just isn't enough cold air available to snow for most. Add NY to the state of emergency. Time to go buy the french toast ingredients.
  24. They should be rated on the french toast scale.
  25. You're just holding it wrong.
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