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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Just depends on your driver. I've had bad ones in the past, but my current one is great. Everything I receive is well protected and hidden from view the best he can. They also have a lot of temp workers during the holidays who probably don't care as much. My FedEx driver on the other hand
  2. BB in store pick-up is the worst out there. The few times I've used it I've waited in the store longer than if I had just walked in and bought it off the self. CC was much better at this. Suprisingly, I've found Sears to be the best.
  3. Christmas Eve? Commies.
  4. Nope, mine had no change.
  5. You sure got me there Pooj! Back to your mourning, sorry to interrupt.
  6. Celebrity death, somebody has yet to provide me with a reason why I should care about these things.
  7. So? Dansville, NY isn't exactly a hotspot of crime either, but it didn't stop a series of car break-ins over multiple weeks this summer around my grandparents house. I don't know about you, but one crime in my neighborhood is one too many.
  8. You need to do a little reading on the Greece PD "higher ups".
  9. I can see the waste of money arguement, but if my wife was one of those 3, then I would want justice served for her regardless of other trials. Plus, say there is a miracle for this guy and one of the convictions gets overturned on appeal. Nice to have a back-up.
  10. Bad choices all around and the kid didn't deserve to die, but in the end, Scott wasn't the one intending to commit a crime that night. I say let it be a lesson that good citizens don't have to put up with this **** any longer.
  11. Hey #44, enjoy the busride back to obscurity, punk.
  12. Hope you got your 5 loaves of bread.
  13. Not a very smart celebrity. That should have been signed before she started working. I vote public shaming.
  14. Not to mention, eggs and milk are two of the worst things to stock up on when the power could go out.
  15. Kind of along the same lines....pass a person that is going under 55mph in a 55 zone, it becomes a 30mph zone then that guy is right up on you wanting to go 50. And you're the jerk for passing earlier and staying near the speed limit in both.
  16. I do. I don't see your headlights, you see my brake lights and 5mph under the speed limit until you back off.
  17. First quarter 2010? Eveything I've read lately said 2011 at the earliest. Didn't it just start test flights yesterday?
  18. I for one am SHOCKED that college kids were drinking. Must be a new trend.
  19. I'm still amazed there are people that actually watched the game. You must not have realized there was real football on the other channel.
  20. Please tell me that was sarcasm.
  21. You're right. He's yet to match the brilliance of Daddy Daycare.
  22. Does San Fran even allow real trees? Wouldn't you have to turn in your granola card?
  23. Good thing for Tivo. It's core audience will need to pause it at least twice to urinate.
  24. Undercooked. Cookie on the edges, raw dough in the middle. Best of both worlds.
  25. I know it's only Maine, but this team just clicks. Let's hope they stay grounded.
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