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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Good win. Maybe there won't be any students taking a dive into the gorge tonight.
  2. Which is probably why we don't understand what the big deal is. Job cuts? Pfffffft.
  3. Good for them. If you're single, you can never say there isn't someone out there for you, and if this isn't proof.........
  4. There is no easier draw in this tourney. If you can tell me every single upset today I'll send you my next paycheck.
  5. How many have you heard whine other than the OP of this thread? Come one, a couple voices doesn't make a majority, just look at the Bills side of this message board for example. If that's how you feel, you should hate the Bills because of their fans too. SU fans are happy has hell.
  6. Ummmm, have you seen your current money?
  7. Eh, whatever. Bring on the real games!
  8. I'll do it for $50 and a case of Young's Chocolate Stout.
  9. Hope you bought some baby wipes.
  10. Easy. Steak and Bacon every day for a month.
  11. I'm no media defender and don't watch cable news, but he's there to report like every other reporter that goes to these places. If there was no media coverage from these places, do you think any Americans would give it a second thought to help? Not many. "Awwww, Haiti had an earthquake...squirrel!" Then, there is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mty5C7jwCYU Did he only do it for the camera? Who knows, but it was more then the Haitian "men" did at the time. And, that one act was more then you or I have ever done for a person in that country.
  12. They've had Chile coverage on all day. Of course they're going to switch to national coverage when there is the possibility of something happening.
  13. I'm watching a local feed on hawaiinewsnow.com. Much different coverage when it's "your" islands.
  14. Same reason Bode Miller doesn't compete in moguls or freestyle, these guys specialize. Completely different disciplines.
  15. Just heard on the news they expect a 10-15 foot tsunami in Hawaii (but then went on to say they can't predict them well.) Doesn't sound like much but then I read this from the link above my post. I don't know much about tsunami's, so I can't say if this is a big deal or not. From being in Hilo, I do recall much of the town was pretty flat for a good distance from the coast.
  16. Damn, that's going to be rough. After the first Plyo Cardio when he said "We're done with the warm-up" I was like "are you !@#$ing kidding me!? We haven't even started the workout yet!?"
  17. I just finished my first week of Insanity, this is my day of rest. I consider myself in decent shape, I've done P90x but never felt I've gotten enough cardio and could stand to lose some winter weight. If you're motivated and can push yourself, it will kick your ass. The first 4 weeks are "easier" and I've been left gasping for air by the end. I haven't made it through a whole workout without stopping at least a few times. It's amazing how much progress I made in one week though. You do the same DVD on Day 2 and Day 6. Even though I was exhausted from the whole week, I could go a lot longer already the second time around. You do the same 5 workouts for the first 4 weeks (it mixes up the days), then have a recovery week during week 5. You still workout that week, but apparently they are easier workouts. I'm interested to see what week 6 brings as you start a whole new series but everything starts with the word "Max". I can't imagine doing anything harder then I am already doing. From reading the forums, a lot of people go through the 9 weeks of Insanity to tone up, then start a combination of P90x and Insanity. Insanity does mix in enough upper and lower body to work those muscles, but it really is cardio focused so no one should expect huge gains from it. I can already see more definition though. The key is you can't stop when your feeling tired or let up, you really need to push it to your limits so it takes a lot of discipline. If you don't have that, then I can't see it being any better then regular exercise. One more note, it's high impact so anyone with foot/leg/back issues it probably isn't for you.
  18. Watching the medal ceremony for the ladies, whole crowd chanting USA. Now that's class, Canada. Bravo.
  19. I just google mapped Breezewood. WTF? Was the mayor sleeping with the head of the Dept. of Transportation? "Let's force people to drive through our town so they stop for gas/eat/sleep"
  20. I'm not sure I agree. Judges can screw up the results, without a doubt. But any sport that has a ref can also ruin the outcome. Hockey can be screwed up by a blown call (cough....no goal...cough), but I don't think many here would say hockey sucks in comparison to alpine events.
  21. Check the Northwest Passage.
  22. So what's the point trying to be made by that article? That there is an American bias when it comes to judged sports? Please. Every country trains for the sport and the rules as they are. It's amazing that Americans can win a Gold in any sport judged by the French, Chinese, Russians, etc...
  23. I plan on seeing it but..... That sentence is exactly why I haven't seen it yet. I refuse to go to a movie within the first two weeks of release because I just can't tolerate the people. I haven't been in a theatre with more than 10-15 other people in years.
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