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Posts posted by kegtapr

  1. The things I find funny.........Status update of a girl I went to HS with


    Girl I went to High School with OMG I loved my first facial...Hooooked

    3 hours ago via Facebook for BlackBerry · Comment · LikeUnlike

    4 people like this.

    Friend 1

    Cannot believe you waited this long to get one!

    3 hours ago

    Friend 2

    Oh I LOVE those! Haven't had one in years! And actually think I've only had one myself...loved it!

    3 hours ago


    I've been giving those for years....first one is free if you want.


    Fixed. How the exchange should have went

  2. 3 points


    1. Cops just need to start accepting the fact that anything they do in public can be recorded. If they are doing their job properly, they have nothing to worry about.

    2. The cop in this video should have identified himself as he got out of the car with badge in hand. If that was me, the second I saw that gun I would have taken off like a bat out of hell. It's not my responsibility to assume he's a law officer.

    3. The video would have been much better if the dumbass biker was run over by the bus. I hate those !@#$ers.

  3. If it turns out to be a huge hassle to fix, you may want to try one of these shower heads:






    And you could try something like this in the toilet:




    or this:




    I HIGHLY recommend the Large Ultimate from highpressureshowerheads.com. I was on a never ending search to feel like I was taking a real shower and went through about 4 different heads before I came across this. Pop the flow restrictor out of it and it's heaven.

  4. What I was trying to say is that the cops usually have a split second to make a decision. Unless you later find that they are just plain nuts, leave the decision on where to shoot to them.


    A cop should never have to make a decision on where to shoot. It should be a "trained instinct" to go center mass every time.


    The time it takes for a cop to analyze the threat level and make a determination between leg or center mass is the difference between "hi honey, I'm home" and the spouse receiving an American flag.

  5. A local met had a good blog the other day regarding the melting ice caps.



    http://rochesterhomepage.net/weather/weatherblog - Last one at the bottom


    Written by: Bob Metcalfe


    So why the heck have I included a picture of a navy submarine above the water in a weather blog post? Well, I thought it was a very nice picture. We all love a little history right?


    It goes beyond that and here's why: the caption from this picture on a navy picture archive says "surfaced at the north pole, 17 March 1959". Re-read that date. March 17, 1959. It's LIQUID, not ice!


    What am I getting at? Well, I'm a firm believer in oceanic cycles. A few that have an impact are the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). They both have a "warm" phase and a "cold" phase. The PDO is now exiting its warm phase and will soon be cool. The AMO is sort of in the middle, but just past the hump going towards cooler.


    What's interesting is this: That date in 1959 coincides with a warm signal from both the PDO and AMO. When satellites were first used in the 70s, we were in the middle of the cool phases for both, and as would be expected a relatively high point for ice concentration. Get what I'm hinting at here?


    I know this is quite opinionated, but I feel strongly that our climate perspective is merely in its infancy. While its true that ice concentrations in the northern hemisphere are decreasing, wouldn't you know that they're INCREASING in the southern. Remember, the world is a lot bigger than we sometimes think it is. It's like that lovely little law of physics: for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.

  6. Ok so having some peeps over tonight and I'm thinking I'm making these short ribs............




    These Blue Cheese Mashed Potatoes.......




    And then I need something green....I was going to do this creamed spinach......




    but I think that might be a really heavy meal. Sound pretty damn good but I might be taking a nap 15 minutes after I eat all that. Aside from Rettata, does anybody got any good recipes for entertaining about 10 people. I'm open to all suggestions.



    Let me know how the blue cheese mashed potatoes turn out. Two of my favorite things combined into one, sounds yummy.

  7. forget cost and everything else. you'll pay and arm and a leg and be thankful for when the roofers finally go, and they've not done further damage to your roof. i am not making this up.


    the roofers we had were drunk for most of the month they were here. they fought and argued and left a huge mess. and they wound up spending a month here because, in part, the foreman, was hauled into jail on a warrant in Lake Placid of all places.

    and two years later, as we were having our eaves cleaned out, we were informed by the cleaner, from another company, that the reason there's standing water in our eaves is not becasue they're plugged but -- they installed the eaves the wrong way, point down from the drain!


    good luck.




    So you don't recommend Hammer? :thumbsup:


    That sucks. My experience couldn't have been better. I paid a premium for a well known and respected local company (could have paid $2000 less with someone else), but it was worth it. Dropped off the materials the night before, showed up at 7 am with two crews, complete tear-off, 30 year architectural shingles, yard cleaned up and gone by 6pm. Outside of writing the check, it was painless.

  8. For me personally, it's just a way to stay in touch with people you have lost touch with throughout the years. It's pretty useful for that. Now, Twitter is something that eludes me. I don't find other people's lives that interesting.


    If I've lost touch with somebody, it was by design.

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