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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. It's all about ratings. People have been talking about Boston for years, they'll watch a hour and a half show show about them. Outside of Card fans and now displaced Yankee fans wanting the Sox to fail, who gives a crap about a team from St. Louis? It's the way the business works, suck it up and quit bitchin. Worry about the game.
  2. Not just blue. Powder blue! TCO!
  3. Sweet! New pictures of BiB
  4. Hey, what did I do? Errr...nevermind.
  5. you have small feet compared to kegtapr.....
  6. Came in one day and found my computer missing. Turns out the network guy mixed me up with someone else. That someone else worked in a different department, was a temp and my name plate was on my cubicle but hey, I can see where he'd get confused.
  7. Anybody hear a good ethnic joke lately?
  8. At least we know you're not a dyslexic Rabbi?
  9. Link?
  10. Always look at your friends, they are the best indicator. If they are laughing at you walk away, it's not because you're funny because well...you're not
  11. Since when would you need one to speak? You can't find a better woman.
  12. How many drinks is this based on?
  13. I'm not much of a reader. I'm more of a...how do you say it? Drunk.
  14. Better to drive you nuts then have nuts slapping your chin.
  15. No it's not
  16. Ever buy video games from half.com? How is the quality? I've been wanting to pick up cheap ones but am always worried they won't be playable.
  17. Couple of Q's What kind of car is it? 98 Chevy Cavalier How many miles on it? 72000 Have you had standard service done on the car? Outside of oil changes nope. Had it about 15 months, purchased from a good dealer. Other than the tranny thing, (she's not suppose to move the shifter when she's doing that thing) had you had any other problem with it before? I wish . No major problems. Just a belt replaced and new brakes needed. At certian time its a good idea to have the injecters cleaned, alot depends though.... Used some fuel injector cleaner a couple months ago Was it good for you? YeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaa! Now that I think of it I have noticed a slight loss of power the past couple months.
  18. http://www.automotiveforums.com/t133185.html This sounds something like mine. Hopefully it's a simple fuel filter like this guy.
  19. I like your response better. Sorry Pete, I gotta believe Bear because, well, his is cheaper.
  20. That's not what I wanted to Fuggin hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the help. Hopefully it will make it to the weekend.
  21. I don't hear the engine rev. Seems like there is a complete loss of power.
  22. It's an automatic. A few months ago when I was driving 65 on the highway my car was accidently thrown into reverse (women, don't ask.) I got lucky and though I escaped scott free. I wonder if I'm starting to see some effects from that. One thing that seems odd though (to me anyway as I know little about cars), when the car jerks and won't accelerate I don't hear the engine reving. I would think that if it was having trouble shifting that the engine would still rev. Sounds like it's completly losing power instead. It does seem to happen around the same speed each time though.
  23. Well, not really but maybe he will get more people to read this thread. B) Now the car question. For two days in a row on the way home my car has done something funny. Yesterday after driving about 15 minutes, when I went to accelerate from about 5 to 25 mph my car jerked twice and it didn't want to accelerate. Took my foot off the gas when it did that and coasted and sounded normal. Then it just went away as quickly as it happened. Went out for a test drive later that night and it was fine. Today it ran fine on the way to work, but did the same thing on the way home after about 10 minutes of driving. This time it did it about 4 or 5 times when I hit the gas to accelerate. I pulled over and sat for a minute then it was fine the rest of the drive home. I did have a belt just start chirping if that is a clue. The belt makes noise when I am idle or coasting at slow speeds but goes away when I am applying gas. I'd appreciate any insight that could be offered.
  24. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
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