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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Ummmm ok I've been watching videos at the maxim magazine member lounge for the past hour. Ahhhh, the benefits of membership. Plus, now I get to sleep on the couch tonight!
  2. Used to be my internet was to slow. Now my computer is too slow to keep up with the internet. Think the little woman will let me by a new computer?
  3. I picked a damn good day to finally get broadband. Woohoo!
  4. Sue, I don't know what has happened in your world but you were never like this before. You seemed to go off the deep end and it started with your first homework post. Many people gave you a good natured ribbing, some were complete dicks. You responded to all of them in the same way though, further inviting it into ever subsequent homework thread you posted. You speak of this place as being a family. Well in my family and many others I know, a good natured ribbing is not only accepted but welcomed, as it reminds us not to take ourselves to seriously. Your homework threads were not as serious as you take them. You got the responses you needed when people knew and answer, and others got to have the fun they come here for. I'd call those succesful threads. Only after you turned hostile did they direct attacks at yourself personally. Also as being part of a family, it's important to suck it up and admit when you go a little overboard. You responded to anyone who threw in a joke in a crude and unacceptable manner. In turn (whether it be right or wrong) opening the flood gates for more jokes aimed towards yourself. Suck it up and admit that you went to far. Be the bigger person and maybe people will follow. You've been here since 2001, myself since I believe '99. Think back and find a time where a joke wasn't involed in a thread outside of well wishes for difficult times. Even in some of those, humor was used to lighten the situation. Much of this place is about humor and we all have not only accepted that, but it keeps many coming back. Many people went overboard, including myself last night. I thought better and changed my tune. You have gone overboard as well Sue, but you can't see that or refuse to admit it. The road to healing begins with yourself and I hope you take that journey.
  5. I was trapped under that womans happy bags. Good thing she finally lifted up her shirt and I fell out, I was running out of air. Had plenty of milk though.
  6. That's T-Bone? The guy on that site seems to straight to be T-Bone.
  7. Too many pop ups.....little more cruel then I care also, thought better.
  8. Here is a kick ass currency exchange site.
  9. Voted Suprised you didn't get sacked by the opponent.
  10. Explain to me how I would be coming for crow since I haven't said anything in regards to the Bills in two weeks before today. Your stretching now Sue.
  11. Everything I did, except for the laundry.
  12. Yes oh mighty leader.
  13. He parted his hair on the wrong side. Looked pretty gay.
  14. Man, what has been up your ass lately?
  15. Not if he's your fantasy QB.
  16. We BARELY lost to the Titans in 2000. Look where that got us.
  17. Even a blind squirrel can find his nuts.
  18. Nothing can stop them now! 11-5 here we come baby! Watch out New England. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously people, it's the freakin Cardinals. Relax.
  19. So they're beating the Cards...... Whoopa-de-dooooo
  20. Pretty nice. I did see a whale in diguise though. Arf.
  21. So exciting I took a nap. Yawn,
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