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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Tell them to meet them at McDonalds.
  2. Amen!
  3. 9.49 on my 5th try.
  4. Eskimos have gangs? Igloos vs. Blubbers?
  5. I'd rather have missed kicks then root for that weasel on the Bills.
  6. Is there an echo in here?
  7. Indiana should die with Ford. It would be like having Vader without James Earl Jones.
  8. Rock is a very overused classification these days.
  9. Y o u r ' r e a l i t t l e s l o w , e h?
  10. Oh he's still good, just vastly over rated which happens to most on thier decline.
  11. Oh look out! My bad. Sorry bro. But if you were talking about Laura Prepon pre blond, I may be onto something.
  12. Ray Lewis is the most over rated player on the league right now.
  13. He may be into that kind of thing
  14. Tis the season to be merry. Well that's my name No stevestojan!
  15. Got that right. One guy I could argue politics with and still respect because he showed respect.
  16. Why didn't you just tape it last night for your own personal us. That would have been legal. Wait no, illegal. Wait.....crap this is to damn confusing. I'll go ask a third grader to clarify that law.
  17. I completly understand, which is why I'm hesitent about including anything saying if you would like to write the kids.......I want the cards to be seen for their true intentions, not as selfish. Maybe just leave that option with my friend and she can pass it on? Seeing how many of the cards were made in an Elementary school, that was kind of out of the question. Damn admins.
  18. I'd do a general return at my home address and share the letters with all the kids, not one for each specific kid. That way no kids would feel bad if they didn't get a response. There has been no mention to them of even having troops write back. I'm certianly not expecting any letters back as this is not my intention in doing this, but thought it would really make the kids feel good if they do get letters. Which is why I'm wondering if I should provide that outlet without looking like we are expecting anything from the troops.
  19. Prod? This is full on molestation.
  20. My fiancee and I have organized having holiday cards made by kids to be sent to the troops in Iraq. We have well over a hundred that we will be mailing this weekend. They will be mailed to a friend I have there who will in turn pass out the cards among her division. The question is, should we include a return address in each card in case the troops want to write back? I don't want to make it look like the kids are expecting something in return and I don't want anyone to feel like they need to write back. The kids would obviously love to receive mail though and I'm sure some troops would like a chance to write them. Should I leave it at just the cards or include a return mailing address for them? Military or ex-military opinions especially welcome. Thanks!
  21. Ban him? BF just found someone he can talk to on his own level. They can be playmates. This guy is a blessing in disguise.
  22. Wow Logic at its finest.
  23. They do in Poland. I heard the girls are really good at it.
  24. Just because he is from Alaska doesn't mean he is anti-social, living in a log cabin writing threatning letters to politicians while polishing his guns. Well, Darin does but it doesn't mean ALL Alaskans do.
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