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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. As much as I loved Manic Mansion, that game could really get on my nerves.
  2. Hey, it's Saturday morning. I'm still getting rid of the Friday night headache. Cut me some slack.
  3. What? Recognize the one that gave you herpies?
  4. One of the best things that happened to Rochester lately was the Red Wings leaving the Orioles for the Twins. Not a huge baseball fan, but I like a good summer afternoon minor league game now and then.
  5. Does it matter?
  6. I've nailed a couple. Does that count?
  7. For 5 cc's of 'roids and a stimulant to be named later?
  8. I went to a famous gravesite once. Then I realized it was just a piece of granite on a mound of dirt and realized I was a idiot.
  9. Who is Sir sacked a lot?
  10. If you count T-Bone and his collection of blow up dolls, you could technically call this a porn board.
  11. What? I didn't say to turn it on.
  12. Stick a maglite up the dogs ass. It'll remember not to !@#$ with you again.
  13. Did you hear booing from the crowd when he sang? I didn't. If they were booing, seems like it was only a few jerks. How do you know this wasn't the kids wish? You assume the parents threw him out there. It might have been his dream. Try to rationalize your thoughts all you want, you'll still sound like a dick.
  14. He should have been fired. He is as racist as R. Rich.
  15. Wouldn't matter. No one can beat the Pats when they show up. Best team ever.
  16. If there was ever a better subject for sterilization, I haven't met him.
  17. Because it's a movie. I know what you meant. I just wanted to show how smart I was like DC Tom.
  18. Holla? Do we have a ghetto section we can move this to?
  19. Actually, stutterers are perfectly fluent when they sing. Usually when speaking in unison as well. Sorry, just had a DC Tom moment.
  20. Lets see who is man enough to admit they were an ass.
  21. Man, some of you are really being dicks. Does it matter? You have a mute button correct?
  22. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/ndsound.php
  23. This coming from a guy in San Diego, where a inch of rain causes panic. I'd say a foot to a foot and a half in Penfield NY and still coming hard. I was out driving around late last night. I love this stuff!
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