Well your first mistake is beleiving in this so called current system of employer based healthcare. Employer based healthcare can, and has been being taken away from people in high numbers. There are no laws stating that a employer must offer you healthcare.
Health insurance is a BENEFIT offered by your employer. It has always been offered by employers for a number of reasons. Good health coverage will attract and retain the best potential employees. Healthy employees are productive employees. Botton line is, employers choose to offer health insurance, they are not required to. Unless you have a contract with your employer, your health insurance can be taken away tomorrow. Now days if your employer pays 80% of your premiums, you have a damn good deal.
Whether you know about it or not, there are already programs to subsidize health insurance for small businesses and working individuals. Go read up on Healthy New York. It provides a low cost option for those who are working or own a small businesses to purchase insurance at a fraction (a huge fraction actually) then other plans. This is not traditional employer based insurance, yet it provides the needed coverage for those who need it. Based on your fears, small businesses should be dumping traditional plans for this in huge numbers. Hate to tell you my friend, but it's not happening. Those employers that can afford traditional plans are staying with them. Not only that, but businesses often leave Healthy New York for a higher cost option when they can afford to. Do they need to do this? Not all of them but they still do.
Fact of the matter is, most employers are not going to take away health benefits as they still must compete for good employees. Many small businesses need help though. They cannot afford this system much longer. Most people don't know the amount a employer spends on them. Your paycheck is only a tip of the iceberg.
There will be major changes coming in the industry, but nothing like you fear.