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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Ummmmm America? Why isn't your rain gear waterproof?
  2. The bastardization of Star Wars continues...........
  3. Trying to jump the river, no doubt.
  4. And then when your injections don't work and he's left with no choice, he's already out the 20% he's paid to you plus another 20% for the replacement. Who's it a win-win for? Better evaluation of the best course of treatment from the start would help. You think Mr. Senior wants knee surgery if there are other options? Unfortunately, hospitals can act more like a business offering upsells then a place for care. You're looking for reform in the wrong place.
  5. You don't see the difference, but there are always a good number of cop haters that come out when something like the reverse happens. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of it for those people.
  6. Nurse had it coming, she used her profession to make a "threat" to the officer. Sure, the officer probably should have brushed it off but he's free to report it. Now reverse it. Cop is in the hospital, nurse takes a little too long, is having a bad day and is being a little snippy. Cop is annoyed and tells the nurse I hope I never see you driving through my town. Nurse reports to the police that she feels threatened. Would we be questioning that?
  7. By the way Cablelady, the new Navigator (and I'm assuming you mean the guide?) SUCKS ASS!
  8. Because she's an addict*! *And by addict, I mean a self-absorbed hollywood elite who thinks the rules don't apply to her.
  9. Changing the picture size on the cable box is a simple menu change. If it doesn't look right after changing it, you can put it right back to stretch and you'll be where you started. Nothing to lose.
  10. Cable box also needs to be set to Normal. It's stretching standard def broadcasts, but is also stretching the HD broadcasts which is degrading the quality. Once you change the cable box back to normal, you should have the bars for standard def broadcasts and HD should fill the screen. If that doesn't work, the box is screwing something up and TW should give you a different one.
  11. Are you changing the aspect ratio on your TV or cable box? They both have them. Go to the settings > display > picture size on the cable box and make sure it's set to "Normal". Maybe the setting on the box is conflicting with your TV setting, make sure that both are set to normal.
  12. If the picture doesn't fill the screen on an HD channel, then the show wasn't recorded in HD and isn't meant to fill the screen. You were probably on a standard def widescreen broadcast on an HD channel if the tech had bars on all 4 sides when setting it up. You need to have the aspect ratio set at "normal", not "zoom" or "stretch" (or your tv's equivalents). Some people like to stretch the standard def programs, but if you don't change it back when you're on an HD channel, then your HD isn't going to look right. If standard def programs are filling the screen, then you are either zoomed or stretched which will degrade the HD look.
  13. Oh yes, they're very happy with Medicare. So happy in fact, that millions have to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan to cover many of their basic medical needs, because original Medicare doesn't cover enough for them. And who are these Medicare Advantage plans run by? Egats! It's private insurance companies. Ever look at the reimbursment rates that Medicare gives these private companies? They'd be shockingly high to you, and Medicare sets the rates. Why are administrative costs as a percentage of total costs lower? Another shocking answer, because these are passed off to the private insurance company running the Medicare Advantage programs. Medicare can hide the $ amount in the reimbursment payment.
  14. That's what she said </Michael Scott>
  15. I'm not sure they'll keep up the backstories and timeline thing to the extent of Lost. It was needed for the first episode to get some character background and have the event happen in the first episode like they wanted. I'm sure there will probably be some more explaining the development of whatever that thing was, but I think most of the show will be moving forwad. I gave it a chance thinking it would suck, but it didn't. It has a few more episodes before I'll know whether I stick with it. As long as it moves faster then Hero's did, I'll be good.
  16. While I think Jobs is a douche and he should have just deleted the email, technically he's right. It's not his companies job to respond to a single college kid working on a project. If the professor is a good one, he'll turn this into a lesson for her.
  17. Dammit dad, when I said football I meant futball! I hate you!
  18. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 - Be patient folks, we're rebuilding and we have a plan That would be a comforting thought, if anyone at OBD was capable of getting this team back to the playoffs.
  19. And most of us thank you for that. Unfortunately, there's a segment of the population that can't seperate the 5% of bad cops from the 95% of good cops and they can't help but spew their idiocy.
  20. And you don't think he was told by his commanding officer that was his job for the day? These guys don't randomly do seatbelt checks just for the fun of it. My best friend is a trooper, and he hates speed patrols more than anything. He'd much rather spend his day responding to calls, but he does what he is told. If he comes back with 0 tickets for the day, the assumption is he didn't do his job. If this guys seatbelt was off, it's not up to the officer to assume his intentions, that's for the judge.
  21. Quick learners, no doubt.
  22. Gus is good, but Steve tries so hard not to be a homer for the Bills he ends up being a homer for the other team.
  23. Pretty good article actually.
  24. Flutie had it all wrong, Jimmy had to buy a box to stomp on, didn't he?
  25. Or is discovered to cause cancer.
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