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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. Uh oh, everybody duck. Her comes the debate of nice gesture vs. coporate exploitation.
  2. They will both eventually go. Boeheim should be a lock.
  3. I almost spit out my Cheerios when I saw UB on ESPN 2 the other day. Who would have thought.
  4. What's next? His mother looks like a whore?
  5. White Castle...haha! Ok, let's compare. Two months cross country with 3 friends in the summer of '99 Pennsylvania-Ohio-Indiana-Illinois-Iowa-Minnesota-North Dakota-Montana-Idaho-Washington-Side trip to Vancover-Oregon-California-Nevada-Utah-Colorado-Oklahoma-Texas- Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama-Georgia-then back up the east coast. Seperate trips to Vermont, Flordia, Arizona, NYC, D.C. Hawaii this summer. And you?
  6. No, just stupid.
  7. Or if Sue shows up. Either way.
  8. Who cares!? It's entertainment. In the end, isn't that really what all sports are?
  9. WoooHooooooo!!!!
  10. Dude, relax and take some reading comprehension courses. I didn't call the post stupid, I said it would be stupid if the Bills did a deal like that. You want sarcasm, try this and get the answer.
  11. Don't know the answer but either way it would be a stupid move.
  12. Not always true. My company allows personal email to be sent to and even stored on a company computer.
  13. I think there is an understanding when it comes to that. The question is what is the information then used for.
  14. And who said dogs were stupid?
  15. Relax. It's already written in the 3rd stall at Hooters.
  16. Based on what she sends to me, probably pretty embarrased.
  17. Better then any of us did.
  18. Get in line. Starts behind VABills.
  19. Why? Was ICE standing behind you?
  20. Why do people always assume it's the other person that has changed. Look in a mirror lately?
  21. Why is **** a bad word? Where I come from it's a term of endearment.
  22. Leading is a broad term. Lemmings lead each other off cliffs.
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