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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. I know where she moved but I'm not driving 4 hours to the dentist. And no, I'm not very bright.
  2. You're certianly not alone. I have a terrible gag reflex as well. Needless to say, all my appointments are first thing in the morning and I don't eat before them. I had the same hygenist since I was 6 years old. It was nice because she new exactly what made me gag. Unfortunetly, she has now moved and I need to find a new one. I've been putting it off but I need to go before I wind up like our poor root canal friend.
  3. How did this turn on Jeff Garcia?
  4. Or........crap, kinder gentler keg must restrain.
  5. What if he likes to pick up minors?
  6. 1) E. Strippers - Who can think football with bouncing boobies? 2) E. Ogling said boobies 3) D. Fat 4) ....... I'm bored, I'm gonna go look at the strippers.
  7. But, but, but.......DOOMED!
  8. Finally, a voice of reason.
  9. Just who do you expect them to beat? They suck.
  10. Relax Mr. Stamos, I didn't know you were so sensative all of a sudden. As for the actual question. Depends on the management. You're the only one here that knows the culture of your company.
  11. A.K.A. - Being paid to look at naked sluts all day.
  12. I would like to thank all of you for contributing to the downfall of music.
  13. Oops, scanned but missed. Thanks for merging.
  14. He's not fat, just big bonned http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/foot...ex.html?cnn=yes Did it really take a study to figure this out?
  15. For an illegal gun http://www.sj-r.com/Sections/News/Stories/49173.asp
  16. Must....resist....blue balls....joke.
  17. You could always find a sedation dentist if you can afford it.
  18. So now you're the dickwad?
  19. Can I do all three or am I limited to one?
  20. Johnsons Folly sails again. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  21. Ummmmm, this is under laws for kids? I think they need to worry more about getting caught with beer, then assualt for dumping beer.
  22. Yes. More then puke needs to be cleaned up here.
  23. Good. One less annoying salesmen to ask me if I need any help. Good luck.
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