So the final salary is GUARANTEED, yet someone who has a final salary of 50,000 gets 43,750 for their pension. Let's see, according to what i learned in 3rd grade 50000-43750=6250 difference. In NYS that would be a $15,000 difference as the same teacher would only get 35000 in a pension. Last I checked, teachers around here don't get 401k's. I don't know about you, but with wise savings and investments I plan on having this kind of money for my own pension as I'm already ahead of 95% of people my own age. And guess what, I won't be paying in that amount on my return either. Fancy that.
No where did I say teaching is the hardest job in the world. And no where did I say that soldiers should get paid less. I'd be willing to have my taxes raised to pay soldiers more (after the waste is cut of course.) Both of these jobs are vital to the country and they both deserve respect and good pay. Stop using these tired old arguements because no one here is debating this. At this point, it's the same as yelling FLIGHT SUIT!
Many younger teacher are for performance pay, my fiancee is one of them. She'd rather stake her future on her ability to teach rather then what the union can provide her. She see's how some of the worst teachers continue to get a free ride. Some changes do need to be made, but cutting salary and pension for the sake of cutting salary and pension doesn't make sense.
Who do you want teaching your kids? Some of the brightest minds or Billie Joe from a trailer in Alabama? The brightest and best are ususally drawn to higher paying careers so if you pay teachers jack, you'll get idiots teaching your kids.
You certianly seem to have an issue with educators. Why am I under the impression that you pee'd your pants while giving a book report in 4th grade and Mrs. Johnson pointed and laughed?
It would be easier to take you seriously if you didn't prove your own overstatement by embellishing the amount in the first example for the sake of grandstanding.
Mind if I print that and file it under "T" for Tard?