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Everything posted by kegtapr

  1. I was just viewing another Bills board and they had a ad that takes you to the following page. http://registration.memolink.com/index.cfm...ffiliate/728x90 Thank you TBD for not being a money whore.
  2. Half the people will believe her and the other half will say she's out for revenge. Won't change a thing other then re-enforcing personal opinion.
  3. Glad to see New Yorks registry works so well. Been trying to acces it all weekend and I keep getting errors.
  4. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/basketballknockout.html
  5. It will really suck getting beat twice a year by his team, even if he is only the new midget towel boy.
  6. Just the opposite. Ed is loved by everyone. Wait, no, that was his ex.
  7. Make a urinal target with his head.
  8. Burning effigy
  9. Then I'm glad I've seen it
  10. Give Bubba a gun. Murder-suicide would be the desired outcome.
  11. We could only be so lucky.
  12. That should really be done in private.
  13. Well....well.....you forgot to capitalize your sentences!
  14. No luck needed. We'll be living the high life off of the tax dollars provided by people like you.
  15. Network, network, network. Start talking to every person you've ever crossed paths with.
  16. Well at least you're making attempts to stimulate that weak brain of yours. Seriously, good debate. That was fun. Those are very rare around here now days which is why I haven't been around like I used to. Don't take anything I said personal. Now like you, I must make a living and try to get some actual work done. Is it Friday yet?
  17. You didn't excel at reading comprehension in school did you? You didn't argue one of my points. Yeah, so? That is exactly what I said. I was just showing that your were overstating your arguement. It's damn good, I never said it wasn't. It's not the 100% you were implying though. Falsehoods are falsehoods and you got caught trying to push one. Once again, no one is arguing that. If I were to play devils advocate for a moment though, someone earlier said teachers knew what the were in for when they took the job so they can't complain. Well, soldiers know what they are in for when they take the job too. if you want to use that logic, it applies across the board. You're starting to run out of ways to yell flight suit. If you could please take a moment to break out what little reading comprehension skills you do have, you'llsee I didn't say anywhere that things have changed. What I did say is that many young teachers are for performance pay. They see how the old system is hurting some classrooms. Finally, something we agree on. This is why many young teachers are for performance pay. If that is how the system worked people like you would lose their arguement. Don't be so sensitive Alice. I apologize for bringing up painful memories that you no doubt had suppressed. Still got caught overstating your arguement. A regional arguement at that.
  18. So the final salary is GUARANTEED, yet someone who has a final salary of 50,000 gets 43,750 for their pension. Let's see, according to what i learned in 3rd grade 50000-43750=6250 difference. In NYS that would be a $15,000 difference as the same teacher would only get 35000 in a pension. Last I checked, teachers around here don't get 401k's. I don't know about you, but with wise savings and investments I plan on having this kind of money for my own pension as I'm already ahead of 95% of people my own age. And guess what, I won't be paying in that amount on my return either. Fancy that. No where did I say teaching is the hardest job in the world. And no where did I say that soldiers should get paid less. I'd be willing to have my taxes raised to pay soldiers more (after the waste is cut of course.) Both of these jobs are vital to the country and they both deserve respect and good pay. Stop using these tired old arguements because no one here is debating this. At this point, it's the same as yelling FLIGHT SUIT! Many younger teacher are for performance pay, my fiancee is one of them. She'd rather stake her future on her ability to teach rather then what the union can provide her. She see's how some of the worst teachers continue to get a free ride. Some changes do need to be made, but cutting salary and pension for the sake of cutting salary and pension doesn't make sense. Who do you want teaching your kids? Some of the brightest minds or Billie Joe from a trailer in Alabama? The brightest and best are ususally drawn to higher paying careers so if you pay teachers jack, you'll get idiots teaching your kids. You certianly seem to have an issue with educators. Why am I under the impression that you pee'd your pants while giving a book report in 4th grade and Mrs. Johnson pointed and laughed? It would be easier to take you seriously if you didn't prove your own overstatement by embellishing the amount in the first example for the sake of grandstanding. Mind if I print that and file it under "T" for Tard?
  19. That's true. Here is a table to show what you get. Table. There is a whole formula to work it out. Depends on tiers, service credits, average salary. There is a calculator here. For example, a tier 4 teacher with 35 years of service with a final average salary of $50,000 will have a maximum pension of $35,000
  20. Don't worry, apparently your wife will be getting her final salary every year until she dies.
  21. My only point is you can't scream SMOKING BAN everytime a bar closes. You have no idea what lead to it.
  22. Please, please, PLEASE tell me where this magical school district is. I want my fiancee to get a job there.
  23. Couldn't have been the crappy service and already oversaturated restaurant market in Henrietta that helped lead to this.
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