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Everything posted by gantrules

  1. I figure one of them died. Every radio station I had on during my commute was playing Floyd.
  2. I saw Nacho Libre over the weekend. I'm not sure what they were trying to do but it wasn't funny or interesting. If the intent was to make a cult classic they missed a key ingredient. Humor. Worst "comedy" I've seen since Canadian Bacon.
  3. I use to push mow my yard. But I said screw it this year and rather than buying a rider I pay my neighbor who mows for a living to do the yard. $30.00 a week and saves 3-4 hours of my weekend......and it looks fantastic!!!!
  4. My mother is a left hand lane driver and she won't move over for anyone. When someone passes her in the right lane she bitches about it. I try to explain to her that she needs to move over but she doesn't think she should have to....people should just drive slower than her. Female Lajik
  5. I'd like to formally change my last name to McCargo.
  6. Look, I'm sick of seeing Ralph on the news crying about the injustices in the world because of his inabilities to find a staff to put butts in the seats going forward. It's not Dan Snyder's fault that the Bills suck and they are going to have a hard time selling out this year. It has nothing to do with ticket prices or revenue sharing, or anything else. If he had a product like he did in the early 90's then people would be willing to spend $75.00 per ticket to come to a Bills game. But, he doesn't. And the bottom line is that it was Ralph's poor decisions in staffing that has led to the crappy sales he's going to be seeing except when a popular team comes to town.
  7. When times are tough, one can hunker down, get tough, and try to figure out a way to deal with it, or one can whine and cry and get someone to threaten a congressional hearing and find a bogeyman. ---- I couldn't have said it better myself.
  8. Doesn't he only have one functioning eyeball?
  9. They tuuuuukkkk errrrr jobbbbssssss.... There is no loyalty in business anymore. I can understand completely if the Bills are out of Western NY in a few years. The area is dead. And I hate saying that because I still do live here.
  10. That's mularkey if I've ever heard it. He's always had that type of sense of humor. If you can make a decision in 45 minutes on the fate of a multi billion dollar corporation more power to you. But, I doubt you'd be hanging with us drop outs.
  11. I knew I should have called in sick.
  12. It's a national story for a local kid. Plus, the coach of the team was on Rome today.
  13. The man isn't a leader. Body language tell us that. He got lucky in Chicago one year and that's it. Franchise is in disarray.
  14. I don't get it are women attracted to these guys? I mean seriously what's the point of having a girly man? I think it's coming from overzealous mothers protect their babies to the point of making them sissys.
  15. Someone tell Rodney the best team did win.
  16. It shouldn't be too hard. Just get the local unemployment office to set it up. You'll have close to 20,000 folks in no time at all.
  17. What no love for Mike Singletary?
  18. I agree it's a dynasty. But, I take the 85 Bears in a heartbeat over any of those three team NE put on the field. As far as "best teams ever" I wouldn't even put any of those Pats squads in the top five.
  19. I'm glad they are gone. It's getting boring watching the same team over and over and over and over and over and over again.
  20. The good news? This builds the rivalry even stronger for next year, almost to Pats/Colts territory.
  21. Whaddya think about Wyche getting the OC job? Of course the QB would have to learn hand signals in case he loses his voice.
  22. Must not be too fast otherwise he would have gotten away. Don't worry he'll land in Oakland.
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