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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. Cowboys fans having a raging debate about Josh Allen, some saying he's the best QB they'll see in the regular season and the Boys better be ready, and others saying he's in the top 10 but a turnover machine so they're not worried at all. Most though, acknowledge that the Bills are dangerous right now, with their backs to the wall - and that the Cowboys have not played their best football on the road.
  2. We live to fight another day. Thank you Bills - fight on!
  3. After all the media focusing on McDermott the last couple days, tomorrow we will find out the most important thing. How the players respond to all the criticism of their head coach. I expect them to ball out and win.
  4. I agree that our D looked great against Philly til about the middle of the 3rd quarter, and things started going downhill. To your point we've seen the defense get soft at the end of games too many times before, leading to losses. I just wonder what the cause of that is - is it a conditioning issue (tiring out), or is it that the opposing team figures out what we're doing and adjusts? If it is the latter then what is apparent is that we don't counter adjust and then we get reamed. I'm mostly curious about your last sentence. If the defense is the problem - why do we need an offensive minded coach? We go through this a lot on this board : "it's the offense" or "it's the defense". Last year there was talk that we should just focus completely on making the offense so strong it couldn't be stopped. Now we're wanting the defense to be better. It takes a balance of both and we'll never be a great team with just a great D or great O if the other side is lacking.
  5. I don't know the Eagles overall statistics on that push play but they've been successful every time I've seen it. Bottom line is it does make it tougher on defenses, because any down (including 4th) with a yard to go gets converted to a 1st. So really all they need is 9 yards in 3 downs and they're good to go. Like you I've been hoping someone could figure out a way to stop it - at least some of the time. I suspect they may ban it in the off-season, but we'll be dealing with it next Sunday.
  6. They seemed to do a pretty good job against Kelce, who's no slouch. But I'm thinking that was because he normally is so much of the Chiefs game plan that they doubled him a lot.
  7. We just CANNOT let the Jets sweep us. Bills have pride, we win.
  8. It's going to be very interesting to see how the players respond this week against the Jets - the team we played when our season got off on the wrong foot and somehow turned into a chapter from "The gang that couldn't shoot straight"
  9. It was a lucky break for Cinci, to be there with the punch at just the right time. But when you're flying through the air instinct says one arm is going to move out to save yourself a little on the landing. I haven't watched the replay but I think that was what happened. All in all I'm still happy that Kincaid looks like a bright spot for our future.
  10. In this thread it was suggested by a few that maybe we should try letting Josh run the offense. Kelly did it pretty well, but my question is could Josh? Is Josh capable of rapidly detecting and understanding what the defense is doing and figuring out plays to call that would be successful? He'd probably need input from offensive coordinators who get a better view of the whole field, but I think it might be worth experimenting with at this point (doesn't seem it could hurt). What if you just let him start the game doing it and commit to letting him have at least a half?
  11. Injuries guys. You can say "everyone has them" but without them we'd crush the Patriots and the Giants. You can't say "no excuses" when so many of your key players are out.
  12. We should keep in mind that after the games play out today, the worst we can be is 1 game behind a maximum of 3 teams in the AFC. With 12 games to go, all is not lost.
  13. Thanks for the "home game" NFL. And giving the Jags the huge two weeks in London advantage. Would have been a different story if in Buffalo where it should have been. Have to wonder if the injuries also were contributed to by virtue of brain not fully in gear.
  14. It won't. No matter how many videos you see Bills fans won't be in the majority and won't create anywhere near enough crowd noise to impact the game. It's great to see Bills fans turning out - but making a difference in the game? - that's a stretch.
  15. I'm still concerned about the time difference. Game at 9:30 eastern, so relative to their "normal" eastern time they are accustomed to they probably need to be up by sometime around 4 or 4:30 am. Way different than a normal game day in Buffalo. They may be pretty used to trips out west where they are playing at 4 pm eastern time, but needing to get up really early relative to your normal time is a LOT harder than playing out west where you don't deal with any of that. Hoping for the best, but worried.
  16. While I know the Bills are the stronger team, the Jags get the advantage of playing today in England and staying there until they play us next weekend. Not having to deal with the jet lag and disruption of the long flight over there is bound to be an advantage for them. I don't care for this schedule, it tilts things in favor of the Jags by giving them two consecutive weeks there.
  17. Right here, right now - I'm in football heaven! Go Bills!!!!
  18. Those on the bench glimpses of him have always concerned me. Just sitting there, sulking, vacant stare when things aren't going well. Never looking at a tablet to see what the defense is doing and figure out how to adjust. Even when he hasn't made any big mistakes, I've never seen him looking at a tablet. Josh Allen has shown a lot of greatness, and I love having him as a QB - but would like to see him figure out how to really learn from mistakes and adjust his behavior, both on the field and on the sidelines. In real time - during the game.
  19. I feel pretty sure about what we won't be. We won't be spending a bunch of time worrying about being the number 1 seed (thank god). I just want us playing well going into the playoffs.
  20. I sure hope next year at this time everybody's not sitting around griping about how much the defense sucked. It seems like a lot of Bills fans are now spoiled and feel they deserve nothing less than a super bowl win. Of course that's the goal, but getting incrementally better is a much safer approach than blowing things up. We had a very good D. Yes it didn't always look great in the playoffs but there you are playing the best offenses. Having a top 5 D consistently is nothing to sneeze at and things might have been different this year without the Hyde and Von Miller injuries, to name a couple. Things don't always get better just because you want to celebrate change. I'll hope for the best now that this is done. Wishing Frazier the best and I'm thankful for what he did for our team.
  21. makes me gag
  22. NFL needed their MVP faking injury dickwad to win the game. So refs make the call.
  23. That sucks - ticky tacky call to give the game to the Chiefs. Should never have been called in a game of this magnitude.
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