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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. Didn't LA lose the Rams then Raiders? Doesn't sound like a great town for pro football to me. I think Southern Cal is now sorta Northern Mexico ish. Don't they like their football with a round ball?
  2. It's not possible that Willis only gets really motivated when he has an ex college teammate on the other team to jaw with. Is it?
  3. I agree. If we beat both Miami and Tennessee at home (which certainly is looking do-able), we may end up at Baltimore on the last week of the season STILL with a playoff chance. Win or lose there, it would be really nice to still be in the hunt that deep into the season. I would LOVE it if we got in, but gotta say it is nice enough for me just to have some real reasons for optimism for next year. GO BILLS!
  4. We'll finish out 3-1 for 8-8 on the season. A step in the right direction. With a couple breaks we could have beaten the Patriots, Colts, Chargers. With the right off season moves, playoffs next year!
  5. Well if he wasn't taunting the fans, who was he taunting? Or was it not taunting in your opinion? In my book, there is no "excusable" explanation for his actions. He lost all my respect - forever
  6. the Chargers had the ball in the 3rd quarter and LT was on the field raising his arms in the fashion usually imployed by the defense to get the crowd to get loud? I wasn't sure how many at the game noticed that, but watching it on TV, that really got my blood boiling . The guy is good but that was a cocky in your face thing to do. After that I just wanted us to stuff his a.. into the turf on every opportunity. Did they replay it on the jumbotron or was it just a passing moment?
  7. I was thinking that today on the way back from watching the game. When we had Ted alone, then Ted/Pat, then Pat/Sam, we had some serious beef clogging up the middle, and you just did not run all over the Bills D. We are sorely missing that now!
  8. You know at first when we ended up that close I thought "go for it"!, But then sanity took over. I can't recall exactly, but it was either late 2nd qtr or early 3rd, and we were somewhere in our end (around the 35 yard line)? Going for it there is CRAZY. I know it always seems gutless, but you have to take your field position and amount of time left in the game into consideration.
  9. I guess it's "the rule". Still -I don't understand: if you caught the ball and are falling forwards you can get just your toes on the ground and drag them out of bounds before landing, and that's an in bound catch, but if you happen to be going backwards (ala Price), and one foot is down in bounds, and then the toe of the other is down in bounds, when the heel of that second foot lands on the white the catch is ruled out of bounds. Seems like a crappy rule to me. If any part of both feet land in bounds (while at the moment no part of the foot is down out of bounds), it ought to be a catch. What the hell does it matter if it's a forward toe drag or a backwards drag where the heel lands second!!?? That rule sucks!
  10. I was not at the game and didn't get to see it. I'm glad to hear the fans were getting into it. Just curious though, do you get the feeling that when we really need the D to make the stop late in the game, and the crowd is really loud, that more often than not we're disappointed? I'm just wondering if the D really plays better when in those frenzied final minutes, or if they tend to "overplay" due to all the excitement...
  11. Many posters feel the coaching staff has lost confidence in JP, thus, they keep him constrained, few attempts, etc. Something does not make sense. We absolutely have little chance of winning over the stretch of a season w a QB putting up less than 100 yds/game. Surely the staff knows that. So why would you stick to such game plans if you really had lost confidence, why not just go ahead and switch QB's? I sure hope it is not the age old "we have to stick w the guy w named as starter, because if another QB comes in and does way better we look stupid" routine. To me it seems it is either that OR, they really have not lost confidence in JP, want to bring him along very slowly (keep his confidence up), and already know this season is shot anyway. I think it's the latter, and you will not see a QB switch this year. Sort of ala the Eli Manning/ Giants route.
  12. There is no way we have a prayer against Indy unless JP airs it out. If we try to stick w a ball control offense, w lots of runs, we'll be punting a ton while Manning rips us up. No doubt, there is little chance of a win, but the only way it is going to happen is if JP is unleashed (and of course, actually proves himself capable of the big yards, big TD counts we all hope he could provide). Ball control offense w Indy = embarrasing loss.
  13. I do. Miami sucks worse than us right now!
  14. 11/5 - Green Bay W 11/12 - @ Indianapolis L 11/19 - @ Houston W 11/26 - Jacksonville L 12/3 - San Diego L 12/10 - @ New York Jets W 12/17 - Miami W 12/24 - Tennessee W 12/31 - @ Baltimore L 3 and 5 the 1st half of season. 4 and 4 for 2nd half (but 3 of last 4), makes for 7-9, w signs of improvement by the end of the year. I have to hope for something, it's too early for me to start clutching at the "hoping for best draft choice" straw.
  15. Everybody seems down on the Bills right now, a surprise win would lift everyone's spirits and I think it's coming this Sunday! I am not saying we go to the playoffs. It will be (as many have said) an up and down year. Looking for one of those surprise "ups" this Sunday. Go Bills - pound that rock!
  16. I agree that with a Stanley Cup win, the sports media would tie in to the Super Bowl losses. But I think such a win would make a BIG dent in the hard-luck sports town perception. I think a lot of people nationally would like to see Buffalo finally win one, and after that we wouldn't only be known as the little engine that couldn't. I think there is quite a bit of national sympathy to our plight, like I saw when the Boston Red Sox finally won one. Go Sabres! and Bills!
  17. Just wondering what others think about it. Personally I was glad to see Jauron keep JP in and the turnover and touchdown pass. I think it was a little moral victory for the Bills and JP. It's bad to get whooped, but worse to not even score. Some will say it didn't matter, as it was "mop up" time, but I got the sense the Bears really wanted the shutout. Their fans were up and cheering big time, and after the TD pass there appeared to be some PO'd looks on the Bears sidelines.
  18. So is it true that there is no way to get a streaming audio of the game on the web except for paying for it? I live somewhere down south and the Bills are never on TV here unless it's a Sunday or Monday night game. So usually I go to a sports bar. Last week I couldn't make it and found myself watching the play by play on NFL. com. It's a kinda painful way to take in a game - web radio would be nice but I'm a cheapskate!
  19. Specifically, when asked what was the ugliest thing or play he had ever seen in the NFL, Marino quipped: "Darryl Talley without his helmet on". I had to chuckle. But in retrospect, it was a low blow...
  20. Oops - the announcers didn't mention that (they probably said their last 8 regular season home games to make their point about the Chicago D sound more convincing). Concerning our chances I think our best chance is to take the wraps off Losman, and start airing out some deep balls. If we just try to run and do west coast type dinking passes, I think the Bears D is just too quick and we'll be doing a bunch of 3 and outs w punts. I'd rather take the shots downfield - they might intercept, but that is probably not much worse field position-wise than a punt. You get the bennies of possible completion or possible pass interference. I'd rather take some chances at the win then stay conservative and lose by 10 points.
  21. Screw all the BS about the refs - it really sounds like a bunch of whining. All I want is for the Bills to play 4 solid quarters of football and beat the Patriots 3 weeks from now!
  22. They just mentioned that in Chicago's last 8 games at home, no one has scored more than 10 points. That's some stout defense! I'm no pessimist, but if any of you out there are thinking we look so good we will beat the Bears at home, well... I guess I might like some of whatever you're taking. I sure hope we play tough all game, and the Bears are looking past us. Go Bills!
  23. Here in Atlanta of course the game was not broadcast, and I ended up watching the play by play on NFL.com. At halftime, I went to the tube to watch the Fox halftime report, figuring to at least see the highlights. The bastards showed almost everyone else. but for Bills/Vikes, just flashed the score up for a few seconds and moved on. I guess we just aren't worthy yet
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