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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. It's like our motor doesn't get warmed up til the second half, and hit's it's stride in the 4th!
  2. No dobut - having the lead would be a nice start.
  3. Now let's see how our D responds. Nice ballcontrol drive - we can grind 'em done in the second half with drives like that!
  4. To add to that, I think blowouts are way over rated. They tend to serve to make teams get big heads, sets them up for a loss the next week, etc. So I hope we don't blow them out. A nice comfortable 2 TD win would be nice though, you know the kind where you go ahead early and hold the lead the whole game? Yeah, that sounds nice...
  5. What I think we'll see is that having Brady at the helm had an enormous impact on the team's play overall. Confidence in their ability to overcome any obstacle and find ways to win was prevalent on the team w Brady. And quite honestly, I think last year many teams that paired up against NE were psyched into believing they could not win even before the first snap. All that is slipping away now. Opponents smell blood and are circling like sharks. I don't think NE is going to go down the tubes, but they are definately going to have to learn what it means to go toe to toe this year if they are going to do well.
  6. I agree they are a team we are supposed to beat, - but so was Oakland and they gave us (almost) all we could handle. I hope the Bills learned their lesson not to overlook anyone or take anything for granted. One week at a time...
  7. The difference between playoff and non-playoff teams is not all that huge. The teams that make the playoffs find ways to win the type of game we won today. All their wins aren't pretty. I'm delighted that we've found a way to win even when we played ugly for most of the day. Or in games where we played reasonably well and found oursellves down late in the 4th quarter. Remember - parity does reign for the most part in the NFL. No one is looking monsterously dominant. At this point, the rest of the East are beating each other up = that's great for us. It will be REALLY interesting to see how we measure up against those teams once we start playing them. Once we have one game w each of them under out belts we'll know a lot more. I really like our chances!
  8. Wow, the game thread was going sour - but our Bills pulled out a HUGE win - I hope all the naysayers are eating crow now. This team is showing us new ways to win each week, and it's getting to the point where when the game is on the line on the last drive, our players are going to believe that Trent WILL get the job done! Awesome come from behind win. After our long drive, when Oakland scored quick on the 3rd down pass, the announcer said that's the game winning TD. Then when we came back they started saying we should just settle for the FG so we wouldn't burn up too much time. F**k them, next play - TD! YEAHH BABY!
  9. This game is still not over for us. We need a TD or FG in the next 2 - 3 minutes though
  10. What a push into the endzone on that TD!!!! Seemed like all the Bills and Raiders just moved in a pile into the endzone!
  11. Hopefully the crowd is stoked after that drive. Momentum finally turning our way?!!!
  12. Here's where teams w true grit dig deep and get the long drive capped off by the TD!! No screw ups! Go Bills!
  13. How many screw ups and missed opportunities can we have on offense and still win? I hope we get to find out today...
  14. Well now we get to see if we can win in a different fashion - ugly. I don't care how we get it - just GET IT
  15. Teams like the Raiders are dangerous, they're too much Jekyll and Hyde. Hope we take over in the 2nd half. I'm worried about their running game grinding us down
  16. Our Dick is straight up, but some say not hard enough, or lacking in staying power. With an extension, Dick will be just right.
  17. That was probably the absolute zenith of feeling on top of the world as a Bills fan. Wow we devastated them, and we clearly seemed unstoppable. Hell it seemed a given that the Super Bowl would be ours. From the highest high to the .... (sigh)
  18. Man when that last drive started I was thinking this is where playoff caliber teams step-up and make it happen. Deep in my gut, being a long time Bills fan, I had a feeling it just wasn't going to happen, and that my extreme optimism for this team was about to run smack-dab into the painful reality of another coulda shoulda woulda type loss. Still I held on to my hope. Wow - I was practically giddy about Trent's performance on that drive! Real poise and great passes in a real pressure type situation. Then our D steps up big time and makes the stops when it had to. I started feeling a real hope and belief that I have not had in a long, long, time. Great wins can burn away years of suffering. This is going to be a hell of a year! Go Bills!
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