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Georgia Bill

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Posts posted by Georgia Bill

  1. While I'm sure there may be many (including TO) who think he needs to be a bigger part of the offense, the question I pose is this:


    Assuming TO continues to draw double coverage, which inherently means one less defender ready to stuff the run or cover someone else, is that enough? Personally, I think if it helps open up the running game and the passing game for other targets, it means our offense goes from mediocre to pretty good. And that's not counting the plus factor when he does catch some balls. Thoughts?

  2. I didn't even allow myself to get my hopes up til we went up by 11 more than halfway through the 4th. Then it happened, I started to believe we could actually do it. By opening up that hope, I opened the damn door again to the pain. Sure as scht, there it was, that heartwrenching oh no, not again, how is this possible pain.


    The weird thing is, I've felt it so many times before (38 years a Buffalo fan), it's almost like an old accustomed feeling. Not one I like by any means, but one I've grown so used to that now I just let it come in and roam around and do it's thing. Starts with disbelief, switches to anger, turn into a little disgust, a little "woe is me" self pity combined with "why do I put myself through this", and then I kind of just let it go. My only consolation is that now it doesn't stick with me as long.

  3. Its hard to disagree with that, but with TO in the game and a different game plan (or a game plan at all) I think TE probably fairs a little better, even against the Superbowl champs. I hope so anyway because we will be finding out shortly and it probably isn't getting any easier.

    My concern is twofold:

    1) For the offense to be successful with TO, Trent will need to develop confidence in throwing the long ball. He shows very little of that confidence/ability yet, way too many check-down, dump off passes.

    2) If above does not work, just how cool do you think TO is going to be with adapting by running short routes across the middle - where he is likely to take beatings?

  4. great point...keeping him would be good and the o line is very important, especially in nov/dec. BUt is he worth 11 mil? Im not sure about that.

    It's thinking like that has prevented us from having a solid O'line since the early 90's. We can never believe anyone is worth THAT much, so we keep paying less than great salaries, and getting less than great results. At a certain point you've got to make some gambles.

  5. They had the President of VH1 on the Shredd & Ragan Show Podcast. He is from Buffalo, & is a HUGE Bills fan. The TO show will go on :P

    If that's so I guess all those wondering what TO's like off the field and whether he's a big partier or not will get their answers (and then some).


    Dat-dat-datta-datta-dat-dat-datta... come on into the big tent ladies and gentlemen, the circus is about to begin!

  6. I disagree. The biggest determiner of how often a team will or will not get points on any given drive is their average drive start. The Bills led the NFL in average drive start by over 2 yards over second place New England because of their special teams. It cannot be overstated how important this is. Really, how much of an impact is the 5th linebacker going to have on any given team? The guy is there to play special teams, even if he sucks at them, he is gonna be on the special teams regardless. Might as well have a guy that is actually good at it versus a guy that just sucks...

    Really, average drive start is incredibly important. I mean we led the NFL, and it really has paid off for us in the Win Loss column. :wallbash:


    I must say it is nice to have something on the team to be proud of - but I'd much rather have a seriously stout defense and offensive line...

  7. I like rooting for the underdog. As a Bills fan, that's a neccessity I guess. This year I'll pick the Ravens. Eagles and Steelers will be favored, and I just can't get too excited about the Cardinals.


    Why not? Most of their fans are bandwagon fans. When they struggled they weren't coming close to filling their stadium. And speaking of stadiums, their new domed stadium is for wimps. I lived in Phoenix for 5 years, working outside. If Buffalo and Pittsburgh teams (and fans) can weather the cold, they ought to be able to handle the heat (remember, it's a dry heat).


    Go Ravens! Tough as nails defense, solid rookie QB. Sound running game. It all makes me jealous (except the Willis part).

  8. You realize 3 of the 4 teams left have the top 3 statistically ranked defenses?


    Pitt #1 d. Baltimore #2 and Philly # 3. There's nothing average about the defenses of these teams. It stands to reason the best way to build a winning team is to build your defense and get by with an average offense predicated on a strong running game, and game management.


    And after this weekend, there will be nothing left but teams with defenses ranked in the top 3.


    I agree wholeheartedly, if you want a better than average ability to make the playoffs (and win once in them), you need a superior defense. One with at least a couple top notch playmakers who can lead. One that has attitude, that punishes opposing teams. Something severely lacking w the Bills. We came closest of late w the Wade Philips - Ted Cottrell teams. long gone...

  9. It's hard for me to feel "good" about the Patriots fate. I'd give anything to be in their shoes right now. Let's see, would I rather be 7-9 for the year, 0 fer 6 against the East, w a team in a death spiral for the last 10 games, and talks of blowing it all up again? Or be a team w loads of talent and a great coaching staff who got better as the year progressed and ended a sliver away from the playoffs at 11-5, even though their starting QB went down early? Hmmm, that's a tough one.


    Taking satisfaction in the Patriots not making the playoffs is like being glad that your Wall Street broker only got a 2 million dollar bonus this year (instead of their usual 10 mil), while your 401K took a 40% ytd raping and is still heading south. Yeaahhh I'm so happy!!!

  10. This from the Buffalo News: What is Ralph saying about his coaches contract?!?:


    "Shock, exasperation and anger were the prevailing emotions for the Bills afterward.

    Bills owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. could only shake his head in disbelief after leaving the locker room.

    Had he seen anything like it? "Never," he said.

    Wilson tried to crack a half-hearted joke, saying, "I think I should get back into the insurance business."


    But don't get the wrong impression. Wilson wasn't in a joking mood. Asked again to comment on the much-reported contract extension for coach Dick Jauron, Wilson said only:


    "Did you see that fumble? It was terrible wasn't it?"

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