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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. I keep waiting for the Jets we played to show up - with all the bad decisions/interceptions. But they are playing really tough (and smart) dammit. I think the Colts are going to have their hands full.
  2. Well Frazier must be liking all this. His asking price can keep going higher if no one else even wants the job. "I mean, if you want me to coach the Bills, sure, but it's going to cost you..."
  3. Let's face it. With an owner in his 90's who has not made it clear what is going to happen to the team upon his demise, there is quite a bit more "uncertainty" associated with coaching the Bills than with most any other team out there right now. I want a big name proven coach too, but I'm starting to believe none are going to be interested. It's not "Buffalo bashing" or disrespect for the city. But really, the team is in tatters and it's future is totally up in the air. What coach who feels they can wait things out or afford to be choosy is going to choose us?
  4. I know from a record perspective last year may end up being better than this, but I'm loving the fact that this year we are actually beating AFC East opponents. That's job one in being competitive. Well done Bills!! Now if we can just find a way to beat NE this year too, that'd be sweeeeeet!!
  5. Why is that? Because upstate NY has snow and cold? Gosh, he never saw that in balmy Denver. Also, there is upside -IF he's given the control he wants:a) The team has nowhere to go but up, he'll be considered a savior b) On reputation alone everyone will give him at least 3 years to build a playoff caliber team c) He's gonna gets some decent draft picks I think the reason the "five star guys" haven't agreed to take the job over the years is there hasn't been any five star money. I mean seriously what five star guys have we even talked to in our last hunts?
  6. I've got to say that was way worse than DJ dumb. Leading by 6 with just over 2 minutes to play and you go for it on 4th and 2 from what your own 28? That's not just having big balls, it's over the top asinine arrogance!
  7. Don't know about that, they did manage to beat us didn't they
  8. I'll take a helping. I posted there was no chance we even sniff a victory in this game. I was wrong (and glad I was). I stil will remain skeptical though. We still have gaping areas needing improvement, but I've got to say it feels pretty good to get a win on the road against a division rival. It's been far too long. I won't go so far as to say Fitzpatrick is the "answer". Far too little to go on to come near making that conclusion.
  9. It's going to take a lot more than the Bills being "angry" for them to even sniff a win this weekend. I've been a fan for about 40 years, and it pains me to say it but we suck this year, and I see no light at the end of this tunnel. Call me a pessimist, naysayer, whatever. At this point I'd love to be proven wrong and have to eat my words, but I just don't see it. I'll always hope for a win (miracles can happen right?), but when you look at the team objectively, they really seem to be coming apart at the seams. But hey, it's nice to see there still are some fans keeping the (blind) faith.
  10. When the temps dip? Hell they need to be able to win when it's great football weather before they worry about winning when the temps dip. For the last few years we have not been able to beat any teams with winning records, hence we get the 7-9 seasons. Now we've slipped to the point where we can't even beat the teams with losing records. We have slid too far away from where we need to be, that's for sure. And I agree with your point, paying just enough to have a D that can at least keep you in the game into the 4th qtr (and hence make you think maybe we're CLOSE to having a winning team), is foolhardy, if you really wanted a contender team. You've got to have a great offensive line too, and at least a pretty darn good quarterback. But of course that all costs more money. How long have we been saying we need an offensive line? I think that goes back at least 7 or 8 years now.
  11. Sigh, remember those good old days, when we'd moan because we couldn't win the Super Bowl(s)? Now we can't even with the Loser Bowl that we played in today.
  12. It's kind of a sick looking at a train wreck thing. You can't believe how bad it is, but you can't turn away. You say to yourself, they can't really be this bad, then the next series you say, oh, maybe they can be. At this point, most of us are starting to wonder just how bad we are gonna suck this year. Is it going to be all time bad suckage, or just mediocre 5-7 win suckage? The hope for a winning season is fading fast in the rear view mirror. Sad when it hits that fast.
  13. You don't understand - we just can't afford to be good!
  14. I think we are in for another "O-fer". Then at the end of the year Jauron will be fired, and we'll be right back where we were after firing Wade Phillips, Gregg Williams, and Mike Mularkey. Hoping the next coach is the one to bring us back to respectability. Groundhog day!
  15. to a well covered guy about to get tackled, and short of the first. Brilliant
  16. Yeah, getting some heartfelt commentary now! Hilarious!! better than the game...
  17. While our new Oline is holding up fairly well to the pass (given their newness), they've been doing a pretty good job at run blocking, probably better than we've had for awhile. Freddy's been taking advantage of it, I'm looking forward to seeing what Lynch can do. This could be an awesome 1-2 punch (and lord knows we need it)!
  18. That's a really good summary of the last four years. You get to the point where you feel torn as a Bills fan. You don't want to give up on them, as you want to think of yourself as a loyal fan, and they always seem to be just a little (potentially achieavable) bit short of where they need to be to step up to the playoff contender level. At the same time, part of you feels short changed, like maybe you've been playing the sucker. It seems being a Bills fan means you stay conflicted (afflicted might be a better word).
  19. Let's see 4th and 1 with 8 miunutes something to go, in your side of the field, don't go for it. You see we wanted to reserve that gutsy call for a little later, when we were further in the hole. Then we could get the chance to really show how good we are when we go for it on 4th and 23. Pathetic...
  20. At this point, it is looking like our D is going to have to score. They deserve one!
  21. That's a good strategy. At 5-1 last year a lot of us Bills fans got overly excited (self included). Short story - it's a long season and a lot can happen.
  22. I'm hoping that the Bills are actually as good as they appeared to be in the game against NE (the first 54 minutes anyway). But... there's a gnawing concern that maybe NE is nowhere near as good as they used to be, especially defensively. Let's face it they lost a heck of a lot of talent on defense. Also,Brady was really off the first half, and once he started getting in his groove in the 4th quarter we didn't seem to have the answer. As a result of all that, I can't use the first game as much of a barometer, it's going to take quite a few more games. I'll stay hopeful, but for some reason, I have a hard time shaking the feeling that things aren't quite as good as they seemed. I don't know why, maybe there's just too much of a history of disappointment..
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