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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. Well, that over-rated inferior team is handing them their asses right now. The Jets peaked out last week.
  2. The Jets are done. Why?, Because last week WAS their Super Bowl. They were honed in on one thing and one thing only, beating the Patriots (knocking them off their throne), who earlier embarassed them badly. No way Ryan gets them that jacked up again for Pittsburgh. Plus, Sanchez, while improving, lays an egg now and then. Jets lose Sunday. Oh yeah, and Packers win at Chicago, and also take the Super Bowl. Rodgers is playing like a man posessed, they've found a running game, and their D is mighty impressive.
  3. My wife says that based upon my frequent comments during games: "there's [insert name], he played for the Bills, we let him go [insert years ago]"... that I've got a "6 degrees of separation" from the Bills affliction, where somehow, everything in NFL football links back to the Bills. I think she's got me nailed in that respect. Lately: Marshawn, McGahee, Greer, Malarkey, Greg Williams, Milloy, Wire.
  4. That was a great run - congrats to Marshawn. More than any other that one play carried the Seahawks forward, it was just what they needed, when they needed it. I'm glad he finally got to shine in a playoff game with a national audience. Too bad he couldn't get to one with the Bills, but I'm not blaming him for that. We're ok w Freddie, Seahawks gotta be pleased as punch w Marshawn now. Win - win I say.
  5. I've come to the conclusion that you can't make any judgements about the quality of your team by how badly the Pats whipped them. If you use them as a measuring stick the Jets, Bears, and Steelers would all have to believe they suck too. On the bright side, we did get more total yards. If we didn't have 7 turnovers maybe we'd have had a prayer. If we beat the Jets we start 0-8 and finish 5-3. Not too shabby for the second half of the season. Go Bills!
  6. It's also pretty damn tough on the visiting Vikings fans, who now have to either stay two more nights, or in some cases, miss the game because they need to get back to work. I agree with most posters here, it is ludicrous to cancel a game for cold and snow.
  7. I can't find it on their website either (but I don't have a subscription). It's in the print version, on page 95, in an article titled "Your burning questions, answered" by Matt Taibbi.
  8. I thought I'd share this - it's from a somewhat tongue in cheek Sports Q & A column called "The Low Post" in December Mens Journal: "Q:Do you think Los Angeles will ever get an NFL team, and if so, which team? A:It seems like a neck and neck race between the Jaguars and the Bills, and please, God, let it be the Jaguars. Number one, they'll fit in much better with those precious teal-and-gold unis (they look like they belong in an episode of Xena: Warrior Princess). Number two, Buffalo Bills fans are the best and drunkest fans in all of sports; they sell out their stadium in -20 degree weather and are still puking on each other on frozen aluminum bleachers deep into the fourth quarters of gruesome 30 point Bills losses. If the governement is going to bail out irresponsible Evremondes like AIG, as far as I'm concerned they're morally obligated to keep pro football in Buffalo, at least until they win a title."
  9. I'd be pretty happy if we beat the Dolphins and the Jets. I'd love a win against the Patriots of course (wouldn't we all?), but you've got to have a dose of realism, they have been flat out steam rollering the best D's in the league of late. If we could go 2-1 over our next three games, it would mean after starting 0-9, we finish 5-2 over the last 7 games. A hell of an improvement, and a real sense of hope for carrying that forward next year. To those who say blah blah blah, been hearing the "next year" crap for a decade, we have not had many seasons where we finish much stronger than we start. Most teams that do so carry that success forward into the following season.
  10. Way to go Bills! Awesome to see us run the ball down their throats and totally control the clock at the end. Seen too many the other way around, this is a very welcome change!
  11. I can relate to the misery of the losses as they pile up (year after year), but I still insist on seeing the positives in our play of late. Consider the 5 games before the bye. We were getting beaten soundly - by an average of 14.8 points a game. Since the bye, things are a lot better. 2 wins (admittedly against teams with weak records, but one of those had a huge come from behind victory). 4 losses, but they were ALL by 3 points, and 3 of those went to overtime. Those were NOT teams anyone expected us to even be competitive with, much less tie in regulation. Consider their records: Steelers (8-3 division leader), Ravens (7-3 contender), Chicago (8-3 division leader), Chiefs (6-4 division leader). We took all those teams to the brink. Yes we didn't win, but I'll take what I'm seeing post-bye as a serious sign of improvement. Go Bills!
  12. Can you say TURNING THE CORNER ?! Hot damn!!!
  13. I wasn't SERIOUS. It's hard to imagine soo many things going wrong, almost like the only way it could happen is if you planned it. Oh well, a jokes not funny when you have to explain it...
  14. It has gotten to the point where you start to wonder, are we TRYING for the #1 pick? "OK boys you've played good and competitive, but we're getting too close to winning this thing. If you get a chance to win it in OT, make sure you find a way to miss. Try not to make it look obvious, but seriously, we need these draft picks..."
  15. I know this falls into the misery loves company category, but ain't it nice that the Cowboys are only 1 win better than us Megamillion dollar stadium, talk pre-season of them being in a home Super Bowl. Talk about a let down...
  16. With back to back games going to overtime, and against a couple of pretty decent, playoff contender teams, it's hard to say the Bills are not showing improvement. It sucks to have lost them both, especially given the chances to win, but I don't think it fair to say the Bills are a really bad team because they lost these last two when they had chances to win. They're far from perfect, but what's encouraging to me is they are obviously giving it everything they've got, and they're not folding up their tents at the slightest sign of adversity. Frankly, I find it hard to imagine this team going winless. I expect they'll get 3-4 wins. That still makes it sound like they're really bad, but if they can go 3-6 or 4-5 for their last 9 games, and be competitive in them all, I'd call it progress. The last two games have been fun to watch (waaaaay better than with Trent). With the right improvements on D we'd be a force to contend with. As it stands, based upon how we've played the last couple of weeks, I bet the teams coming up aren't licking their chops to play us.
  17. Wow, way to make lemons out of grapes. This was the best performance by a Bills QB in a long, long time. Nothing to be negative about. As long as we are getting better, in at least one critical part of the game, I (and many other fans) will have hope, not hate. Do I think we've turned the corner? No. Will we still have some bad offensive games? Yes. But there is at least a little room for optimism. Give credit where credit is due... Way to go Fitz! Great Game!!
  18. Seems to me this is about the least likely chance for us to have an upset (aka a win) this year. Ravens stifling D against our weak, inconsistent offense. Our spineless D against Ravens ball control power offense. This could be ugly.
  19. Bills make fans sadder Gailey's 0-fer count rolls on Hope's low in B-LO
  20. I was about 4 when Ron McDole moved into the house a few doors down from us on Grand Island. I just remember he was really big, and my Dad told me that's because he's a football player for the Buffalo Bills. I remember asking "what's football?". My first introduction to the game ensued. After that I started watching some of the games, learning rules, etc. For a kid, it was pretty neat, like we had a celebrity in the neighborhood.
  21. It's quite possible that's part of our problem. We probably could've got more impact with other positions. To some that's stating the obvious...
  22. If he was starting to look like a locker room cancer, I agree, BB would decide the team is better off ridding themselves of him early. He most certainly wasn't going to be with them next year so they do the deal a little early. One thing the Pat's are very good at is getting rid of older talent while it still has a pretty good trade value. BB does not let himself get too attached to aging superstars, he puts the team first.
  23. I think there's a different angle on your number Two. It's called venting. It's something people do when they are pissed off about something they can't control. To me, it's natural to see it in this forum when the product on field is so abysmal. Let's face it, at a time like this you can't REALLY expect to see the majority of posts expressing confidence and optimism. We're still fans. We still hope for wins, and improvement. We're not seeing it now so we talk about that. No biggie...
  24. or.. Keep it like they did Ted's Hot Dogs, Keep it like they did Delaware Park, Keep it like they did Shea's Theatre, Keep it like they did Albright-Knox Art Gallery, and Kleinhan's Music Hall. Keep it like they did Mighty Taco. It's a freaking Buffalo tradition. It can't just "End".
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