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Georgia Bill

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Posts posted by Georgia Bill

  1. I begrudgingly voted for Wade. the guy can coach defense.... Like most fans i still hated his benching of Flutie but I imagine they will get over this if he coaches a top 5 defense.


    Oh, you mean the benching of Flutie w little notice just prior to the Titans playoff game, even though he'd been winning and had established himself as the hot hand? Yeah, I hated that more than any move any Bills coach ever made. Still, that was an offensive move (in more ways than one) that I can forgive because he'd be our Defensive co-ordinator. Nothing I liked more than when we had really good D.


    No need to reply, I shouldn't have even responded about this age old debate, but you brought it up :)

    There's Shiites and Sunnis and they ain't never gonna agree

  2. Didn't Wade make Mario move to OLB in the one season he played in that defense. I thought Mario did not like that. Phillips requires a big wide bodied Nose Tackle to make his defense successful. We do not have a Mt.Washington on this roster.

    We need one.
  3. You would think that the talent we have on defense might attract a decent hire for the position. Let's see what they do.

    I understand wanting to be an optimist, but seriously, if there was a better guy for DC out there, I'd think the Browns would have hired him instead. Granted they were looking for a HC, but Pettine is not known for being a great offensive mind. They took him because he's damn good on at least one side of the ball. And now we are going to take a step back in the only area of the game that we actually were starting to show signs of progress in. Real progress, not the gosh our QB will probably get better because he has so much upside type of progress. Put me in the "this totally sucks and is typical of our Bills fate camp". I'm stuck as a Bills fan. I will never cheer for another team, and the one I have keeps coming up like Charlie Brown kicking the football :(
  4. I don't know. Why do they have to sell it to fans? But even if they feel they need to, I strongly suspect Cleveland fans are a lot like Buffalo fans. A great many support the team no matter what. Case in point, Gailey. The Bills had sucked for quite a while when Gailey was hired. There was no credible reason to think he would make a good head coach based on his past performance. Yet many Bills fans, even in here, were very excited that the Bills managed to pull off some sort of a coup and land him. Citing Jerrah's "worst mistake" firing him etc.


    Many Browns fans would be excited to get Pettine much like Bills fans were with Gailey. And with Pettine there is at least SOME reason for excitement.

    Bills fans were excited to get Gailey? I don't recall too much of that.
  5. I've been a lifelong Bills fan. Grew up despising the Dolphins for their ten year win streak against us. Now that I'm older, I find I don't begrudge New England just because they've dominated us. Instead, I wish we could be more like them. In short I'm jealous of the success they've had. But I'm not mad at them, or Brady, and I can't understand anyone who says he sucks or doesn't deserve his success. Instead, I'm mad at our organization for not getting their act together for the past 20 years.


    With the Bills out I'm planning to enjoy the matchup, and hope it's an exciting one that goes down to the wire. Congratulations Patriots and Broncos, Brady and Manning - you've earned your right to battle it out for the AFC Championship. Give us a good show!

  6. In that situation the punter should either kick the ball out of bounds...No idea what Deirdorf is saying, why on earth would you want the punter to cover the ball and give the Colts a first and goal at the 2?


    Take the safety, punt the ball and hope your defense doesn't give up a drive

    I think that was the stupidest thing I've ever heard Dierdorf say. And he's said a lot of stupid things through the years :wallbash:
  7. the Greater Toronto Area has 6 million people.



    lets say 90% hate the bills and 10% like the NFL/Bills (600,000 people)



    lets say just 1% of 6 million is inclined to attend Bills games on a regular basis. thats still 60,000 fans.

    Problem is it seems like way less than half of the 60K "like the Bills" fans show up. Frankly it seems a good percentage of the people at the game are in the "hate the Bills" camp. They were cheering for Atlanta more than they were for Buffalo, and trust me there is no way those were actual Atlanta fans. People here stopped going to the home games en masse by the time the Falcons were 2-6. I'm guessing it's gotten to be fun for Leafs fans to show up and cheer for the opposition. It was embarassing for our entire organization and it should end.
  8. With this I agree.


    Seeing so many designed QB runs from Alex Smith, Andrew Luck and even Rodgers makes me think that the Bills really need to work this into their game.


    It's my hope that the reason that they didn't had more to do with the injury than with philosophy.

    While it would be beneficial to have this aspect of play, I suspect this years EJ injuries will make the coaching staff gun shy - thus they will try to force him into the pocket passer role. Kaepernick really showed in the Packers game how valuable a QB that can run when needed can be.
  9. I was beginning to feel optimistic that at least the Bills D was starting to look really good. Leave it to the Pats to piss all over that expectation. Hard to watch all their happy partying fans in the stands, looking like they just came there to have fun - with not a soul there having any doubt about the outcome. Forgone conclusion and it turns my stomach that they get to stay so smug.

  10. The worst part yesterday was the fans. Forget the elements, the refs, the play on the field even. That was a falcons home game.


    The cheering was clearly FOR the Falcons. That would not have happened in the Ralph. The quiet during the Falcons drives would not have happened in the Ralph. The crowd cheering as the fg went through the uprights would not have happened.


    That is what bothered me. How in the world are there Falcons fans in Toronto? How did they outnumber Bills fans?

    Those were Leafs fans and their buddies who hate Buffalo and everything that comes with it. So they cheer on the Bills opponents and have fun doing it. The only way to shut them up is to win.

  11. This bright future can be made brighter if we lose our remaining games.


    Yep, let's tank it from here on out.

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, and even if you are, there will be many others here that say that, but I think it's a bad idea. If Marrone can keep this team fighting to the end, with most of the games really close (win or lose), our team benefits from developing a never quit mentality. We can carry that into next year, and with time this team will gel and start winning a lot more of those close games. Hell I'm getting tired of saying wait for next year, but I really do feel more optimistic about next year than any in a long time. I did not expect .500 or playoffs this year with a rookie (NFL) coach and a rookie QB. We've been way more competitive than I expected and I hope we keep it up.
  12. I dont think there are many Falcon fans in Toronto. Its more like a lot of the fans in Canada are @ssholes and pull for any team playing the Bills. I've seen em in the ralph and they can go to hell.

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Hell I live in Atlanta and the fans here gave up on the Falcons over a month ago. There is no way they have a bunch of fans who travel to their away games, not after going from Super Bowl expectations in the off season to a (mostly) lifeless 2-9 team. The Toronto folks that go to the game seem to love to cheer on anyone that is playing the Bills. It is pitiful and it even showed up in the SI recap after the game (they since edited it to get rid of some of the more sarcastic remarks about the alleged "home game" and the fans it attracts). The Toronto venue is an embarrassment for the Bills. I'm not even bringing up how it hurts our team and may or may not affect the outcome of the games. I'm saying I think it makes us a laughing stock that we willingly give up one of our home games.
  13. It was sickening to hear the crowd cheer as the game winning field goal went through the uprights at a supposed "home" game. What a joke.

    I agree. It really pisses me off as it sounded like most of the fans were there to cheer on the other team - like they enjoy seeing the Bills lose. There is no way those were actual Falcons fans, I live in Atlanta and the fans here flat out gave up on the team over a month ago. Probably a bunch of f'ing Leafs fans that like to see any Buffalo team lose. It's damn embarrasing to have that happen at one of our supposed "home" games. F**$ Toronto!!!! The deal sucks.
  14. Listening to the crowd noise, one would think this was a

    home game for the Falcons. At least that is how it sounded on Red Zone.


    Anyone have attendance figures ?

    I don't have the figures but I know this NO WAY any of those fans cheering for the Falcons were from Atlanta. Everyone here gave the team up for dead over 4 weeks ago. It sounds like there are a lot of "fans" who attend the Toronto games that like to go cheer on the other team and enjoy seeing the Bills lose. Probably all Leafs fans.


    Not quite as bad as an away game, but it does suck to give up our home field. The Ralph would have been rocking, and all we needed was a tiny little extra edge and this one could have easily gone our way.

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