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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. -great drive, last play running the ball in - oops fumble (player fault) -another great drive, at the 4 yard line, force 3 throws, settle for 3 (coaches fault). That's 14 shoulda points, turned into 3. -McKelvin fumble gives KC the ball - KC scores, and all of a sudden they sense this is a ball game (players fault). -down 4, first down at the 15, force 4 throws into the end zone - no attempt to just get the 1st, get 0 points (coaches fault). While it took both players mistakes and coaches play calling to lose this game, I'm much more pissed off at the play calling. We didn't need heroic passes to the endzone. Just a couple decent runs like we'd been getting most of the day. Man that game was hard to watch
  2. I agree it's going to take 10-6 to get in, and also think not all 10-6 teams will get in. If all goes as well as we could reasonably expect, we would probably need to beat NE in NE the last week to secure a spot. My fantasy - we beat NE and take the AFC East crown. Sweet revenge for the loss here in Buffalo Lot's of ball between now and then, I'm planning to enjoy the ride. Loving this D and the switch to Orton!
  3. Yeah, I don't know how I'l show my face at work tomorrow.
  4. You won't catch me complaining about a win . The only thing I'm sorry about is that we lost both our starting running backs.
  5. Yes going .500 is bad, we've been going around .500 for far too long, and missing the playoffs because of it. Against the Patriots we are .086 the past 12.5 years. A tad under .500 I'd say. As was mentioned earlier until we can start to at least beat NE at home about half the time, we are going nowhere. It was incredibly disappointing to suffer another loss to them today. To soothe the wound I know what I want for Christmas. Beat NE in NE the last week of the season to win the AFC east, bumping NE out of the playoffs in the process. Unlikely, but might end up within the realm of possibility this year.
  6. The fans deserve better - this is BS - the last 12 and a half years and we are 2-23 against the Patriots. They count their win before the game is played, and who can blame them. Everyone can get jacked up about how good we are all they want, til you can beat the damned Patriots at home at least half the time, you have no prayer in the AFC East, or in the cough cough playoffs. Ground hog day
  7. It's a team sport, and Mario makes Williams and Darius that much better. As a unit they played incredibly well, I see nothing to complain about. Just because someone is paid 2x or 3x someone else does not mean you can expect them to "play" 2x or 3x better. They are really jelling as a group and I'm loving what Schwartz is doing..
  8. Agree and I really hope he gets to play in some playoff games. He deserves it. Would love to see him bull his way through when everything's on the line!
  9. +1 Wow, you don't have high standards do you? He has to smoke the #1 defense in his first start in order to impress you!
  10. All we can do at this point is HOPE that Orton can be a competent game managing QB (and that the rest of the team is as good as most of us think it is). This coming game would be a tough one for any QB, much less one who has never started for his team, so I'm not expecting miracles on Sunday. As someone else said the Patriots and Jets games will be more telling. Too bad, I liked EJ and really wanted him to be successful. If Orton sucks after 3 games (or gets injured) we might yet see him again. For now, despite many saying it is unlikely - let's hope Orton can ride a reborn Buffalo beast to some wins!
  11. I agree about the gameplan being classic overthinking. Let's see, the Giants rolled over them with the rushing game, we have a couple great rushers, soo, since they'll be practicing to stuff our run game all week, we'll suprise the hell out of them and pass like crazy. Big problem is we don't have the QB to pull that off - duh. Also, on the long 80 yd throw to Mike Williams, I love seeing a score, but after seeing the replay I noticed Williams all alone downfield, waving his arm at EJ "hey I'm open, lookie here!!". Did EJ only see him because of that? I worry that may be the case, that the game is too fast for him and he can't scan his options fast enough.
  12. You win some, you lose some. Then you're at .500, our comfy place
  13. When we beat Detroit next week and EJ plays solid you'll all be singing his praises.
  14. To me, it will say a lot if we win this game. I say that because San Diego is a playoff caliber team that is likely to end the season with better than a 9-7 or 10-6 record. If memory serves through all of our dismal 6-10, 7-9 years, we rarely if ever have beaten a playoff caliber team, or team that ends up with a better than .500 record. We've been perennial "bottom feeders", only beating weak, lower tier teams. When that is all you can do you will never break .500 yourself. Beating Miami or NY, or even a questionable Chicago, does not mean nearly as much to me as being able to win games against the mid to upper echelon teams. I'm not convinced we are there yet (but remain hopeful).
  15. It was a great game, with lots of things to cheer for. I've gotta say I've always been a fan of a strong defense, and seeing the ferocity those guys played with today was awesome. My favorite part of the game: Tannehill gets sacked THREE PLAYS IN A ROW. Makes it 4th and 36, all due to sacks! I honestly can't ever recall seeing us do that before. These guys seem to feed off each other - Looking forward to more!!!
  16. I'm so glad - this brings tears to my eyes. I've been a fan since I was 10 years old in 1968, I'm now 55. I started wondering if I would ever see the Buffalo Bills win the Superbowl in my lifetime. Then the worst thing I could imagine looked like it could happen - the movement of the Bills to another city, prematurely crushing that lifelong dream. That concern has now been removed, like a big dark cloud blown away forever. Thanks Mary! Add to that an owner who appears to be deeply committed to winning and frankly - my optimism has never been higher. On to the dream!!!
  17. Loved it - every time I watch the replay I hear Fred saying"Out of my way".... "I said OUT OF MY WAY!!!" Awesome play from my favorite Bill of the last decade
  18. I thought that was kind of funny at the time. Kyle was vigorously calling for the flag, and then the ref throws it right into his face. Not so funny when it got picked up though.
  19. I'm just wondering if this thread is going to get pinned. I mean, this speculation could easily go on for 2 years or more. Are we going to just pin it and keep it open til real news on the sale comes (making it the longest thread ever), or close it and open 20 or 30 more of these on the same topic over the next few years?
  20. Farewell Ralph, I'm glad you got to live a long and fruitful life, and forever grateful that you brought the Bills to Buffalo and stuck with the team and city through thick and thin. Wish you could have hoisted that Lombardi trophy one time, to truly cap off all the hard work and effort. No two ways about it, you were a great, and will always be remembered.
  21. Me too. Nothing like some serious beef to plug up the middle. Our run D has been so weak I've really been hoping that we'd get someone along those lines. Now it's possible that Wilfork could be available. Sign him! Young and speedy doesn't seem to cut if for run stuffing.
  22. And if we find another pro bowl safety, how long before we have to let him go because, well he's a pro-bowl safety?I understand this is a business but it seems like the Bills have a very hard time holding on to pro bowl caliber players for any length of time. How do you build a winning team if you can't afford to hold onto your top talent? To dream that we can do it if we perpetually draft really well is just that, a dream - because we have proven over the last 15 years that it just can't be done.
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