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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. I've always loved a great defense and this year's is special. Awesome playoff atmosphere and the win was the sweetest in recent memory. Finally the defense had a chance to win the game outright - by virtue of protecting a lead - and they were up to the task big time! Hope we can hold onto these guys!
  2. We'll see how our offense fares this weekend against a "weak" (#25) defense.
  3. Wow there are a lot of folks thinking Marrone is going to be canned if he lose to the Packers, or if he doesn't win at least two of the next three. I suspect that is just wishful thinking about what those people WANT to happen, but I predict he will still be our couch next year, even if we lose the next three. I don't think anybody's that trigger happy. We'll just have to wait and see.
  4. IF Orton gets us to 10-6, you can bet there will be people saying he ought to be our starter next year. Not sure I'd disagree.
  5. You guys are crazy! Marrone and Hackett will both be back next year, even if we go 7-9. They're going to get another chance.
  6. Curious why you'd say that. He's caught 76% of passes thrown to him (29 of 38) for an 11 yd avg. Watkins has amazing hands and has caught 52% of passes (51 of 98) for 13.6 yd avg. I'm not suggesting Hogan's a rival to Watkins, (Watkins gets thrown more deep balls, which are lower percentage), but why shouldn't he be playing?
  7. It was odd that they didn't show either of those. They were big yardage takeaways.
  8. Perhaps he was only successful late in the game because Denver thought the game was out of reach and had dialed back their pressure. Would have made it interesting if we had managed to get the onside kick
  9. Cutler = Orton +/- a negligible difference. Why bother?
  10. Just keep winning boys, the playoffs have already begun. The Buffalo Blizzard!
  11. It's not over yet. For us, the playoffs have begun. One more loss and we are toast. If we win them all (ok stop laughing), we are in.
  12. Jealous for sure. Just a little slice of that would be heaven for Bills fans!
  13. If the game is on DirecTV it will also probably be available on one of the many underground internet streaming sites. Not that I would ever watch anything like that or anything.
  14. I don't think that is true at all. We've had a virtual non-stop turnstile of coaches and QB's. Nothing remotely close to continuity in my book.
  15. To me it seems that Orton is worse when the pressure is greater. Maybe that's normal, but we obviously need better. I'm not talking pressure by the defense, I mean pressure on him to deliver, because the particular game ("must win"), or circumstance in the game - calls on him to deliver. Hell, he knows if he plays lights out and heroically in those circumstances, he'd be a Bills god and secure his future. Or, the opposite, fail, and the Bills are just one more team in his turnstile career. We got the latter, which is what we should have expected. If you leave him in now, when the playoff pressure is off, hell, he might start to deliver again, but will we really be learning anything? Why not start EJ, and by the end of the season find out whether he actually has any future with this team. We should pretty much know what we have with Orton by now. He's not the savior riding the white horse.
  16. My hopes were dashed and I was really upset after the NE game. Thought was if we aren't good enough to beat them at home, we really don't deserve to be thinking playoffs. After that, the KC loss really proved to me it was over - letting must win games that we control turn into implausible losses gave me the deja-vu "here we blow again" feeling. Last nights game was a perfect microcosm of the last 14 years. Nobody circles the wagons like the Bills, until they find a way to let the wheels fall off. Well at least I get my Sunday's back again - no more sulking for me.
  17. You mean win them all and they're in don't you. From that perspective you are correct the Bills fully control their own destiny. No more excuses - just win!
  18. Weren't we saying "next 4 games" just a week ago? Now we just ignore the pathetic loss to KC and say "next 3 games". I WANT us to win all 3, but no way I expect us to. Yesterday was frankly a must win and we lost, in gut wrenching fashion (again). With all that said, if we get into December with a mathematical chance, I'll be Billieving - again.
  19. What sucks is every year I tend to judge how well we've done by how late into the season it is before we are eliminated. Get us into December with a mathematical chance and I start drinking serious quantities of kool aid. But then, year after year, it's eventually over.
  20. That hurt. I remember thinking that 4 points lost was probably going to come back to haunt us. I really feel like we had 2 tries to get 2 yards for the 1st, and should have ran. I know everyone is saying if they ran and we got stuffed we'd all moan about the conservative play calling, but this team needs to be able to push forward for a measly 2 yards when they need it.
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