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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. Um, there is no evidence yet that he's the best coach we've had in decades. Trust me, I hope that proves to be the case. But I'll never like him spouting off about what we're GOING TO DO. Get hyped and passionate with your players - fine. But with the media, keep it low key and professional, otherwise you run the risk of looking like a joke.
  2. I'm not taking anything for granted. It is the Dolphins home opener and they beat us there last year. After this week's embarrassing loss they're going to be pretty motivated. Same should be true for our Bills though.
  3. I wouldn't be so worried if I thought Rex could actually learn something about keeping his mouth shut after what should be such a humbing experience. But based upon what I've seen of him, this is his modus operandi. Maybe he'll chill for awhile but once we get a few more W's he'll be right back at it. Frankly it's embarrassing. I hope we win regardless, but I'm never going to be ok with it. Loud mouths who go on and on about how they're going to do this and going to bring that get no credence in my book. Just do it - don't jabber on and on about it!
  4. Not neccesarily. Maybe you get in the playoffs and someone else knocks them off. It's happened.
  5. What bothers me is Rex and some of the Bills do so much talking before the game starts. I don't think he'll ever change though. It probably motivates the Pats to beat him/us even more. Which they'd learn to STFU and let their play do the talking. Oh I forgot, that's the hard part...
  6. I guess our vaunted D thought all they had to do was show up and we'd win.
  7. I'll bite HoF. I've been a fan for a long time, since I was ten in '68. As fans we hope for and long for the victory of "us" over them. You can chide that if you want, but in the end it's what fuels all sports fans. The us is the community of Buffalo Bills fans and the team that represents Buffalo (where most of us are from). All the years of "almost" and the many years of shattered hopes make us want the ultimate victory more. Yes, there is an aspect of this where if our team is considered relevant it makes some fans feel better, but the reason isn't that we can't feel good about our team if we aren't getting attention from the media. The reason is that national media attention (relevancy if you will) only comes when your team is really starting to jell and is becoming a force to be reckoned with. It is simply a verification of what we as fans are feeling and hoping - that we're going to be a contender! The attention is a byproduct of being good. But being good enough to potentially contend for the ultimate crown (or at least moving towards that) is the only thing that really makes us feel good. Like many others I've longed for a championship for a long time and I can assure you such a win would be thoroughly enjoyed - regardless of whether I hear another peep out of the media or any others outside of the Bills community. The prize is the championship - not the attention. For me, what would make a championship so rewarding is knowing how great it would make all of my kindred Buffalo fans feel.
  8. It's early, and I've rode overly optimistic waves before (and crashed), but to me this has the making of the perfect storm for us. We had a great D last year, and now we get Ryan who loves to blitz and mix things up to befuddle the offense. He's now got a powerful tool at his disposal and it looked scary good yesterday (even without Marcell). We have a lot of playmaker talent on offense and a QB who appears to have a good head on his shoulders plus an ability to make plays through the air and on his feet. If our offensive line jells we could have something really special here. Reality check: New England this week - this game will be a very useful measuring stick. If Ryan and our D can make even Brady look average, look out league!
  9. Agreed - Much ado about nothing. Let's get on with the season.
  10. Really sad to see you go FredEx!! I'll always remember you as the Bill who played with the most heart. Best wishes to you and yours.
  11. I predicted it, and think it's the right thing to do. Posted by Georgia Bill on 15 August 2015 - 10:02 AM in The Stadium Wall Tyrod starts preseason game 2 (known), and I think it's EJ second in that game. Then EJ starts preseason game 3, with Cassel second, because this is still a wide open competition and they have to see how all of them play with our starting OL and receivers, against opposing starting defense.
  12. For some time I've thought that EJ just didn't have what it takes. Too tentative, not seeing the field etc,. But it does seem like he's improved and I also think he deserves a shot with our starting offense. As others have said, at least the 1st quarter. He still has potential, he's young, has good size, and a strong arm. To those who say we can't afford to give him that much time because we have to concentrate on giving our true starter more reps for the next 2 games, I say hogwash. 1 less quarter is not going to ruin the chances for whoever the starter is. More importantly while it is important to pick a starter, it's also important to pick the #2 QB. You can't make that choice if you haven't seen all 3 play with our starting O against a starting D.
  13. Seems not a fair evaluation of QB's if EJ never gets to start w a halfway decent O-line. While I thought they might start him next game, I'm thinking that it's realy been decided that it's a Cassel or Taylor competition now for the starting job. I wouldn't be surprised to see Cassel start next week, and Tyrod again the week after.
  14. Tyrod starts preseason game 2 (known), and I think it's EJ second in that game. Then EJ starts preseason game 3, with Cassel second, because this is still a wide open competition and they have to see how all of them play with our starting OL and receivers, against opposing starting defense.
  15. From today's conference: Judge Berman was hammering NFL regarding where the direct evidence Brady had deflated the footballs was. Daniel Nash: "Maybe the most direct is (Brady) agreed neither McNally nor Jastremski would have deflated the malls (sic) without his direction." Judge Berman: "Is that it?" Nash, later: "Is there a text or email in which Mr. Brady directs" them to deflate the balls? "No." I don't see this going well for the NFL
  16. Cassel has a pro bowl year and leads us to the playoffs
  17. Like a lot of you on the board, I am a true Bills fan. My name is not Bill, I call myself Georgia Bill because while I grew up in WNY, I ended up in Atlanta and consider myself a Bill (by virtue of being a fan). I started watching the Bills regularly when I was 11, in 1969, and have stayed a fan all these years. I love the Bills and have been known to jump up and down, yell, and act like a child over plays good and bad. I've expressed the opinion on this board that this whole thing is overblown, that the PSI was only marginally below desired after accounting for temp drop, and that I think the punishment was excessive. I'm not saying what they did was right, I'm just saying it was relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. One thing that is pretty disappointing is that I can't come to my Bills board and express such opinions without having my "fanliness" brought into question and being called out as a Patriots troll. Continuously disparaging everything the Patriots and/or Brady have accomplished does not make you a bigger Bills fan. The fact is the Patriots did not win the 4 Super Bowls because they cheated. They won because they had damn good teams and coaching. I can be a huge Bill fan and still respect (and envy) all that they have accomplished. I hope the Bills can get that good again and beat them down every game, and go (finally) win us our own championship. But I won't begrudge them their wins just so others can welcome me into their secret "real Bills fan" club.
  18. Ravens, Giants, Charger, Colts, Patriots to wrap up their season. 4 of the 5 will probably be playing for playoff position - I say they choke out at the end...
  19. Not neccesarily. You suggest if you get fired you're going to tell the press what they were asking you to do. Whistle-blowers are protected by law (in theory - in reality eventually they are blackballed, which is why there are so few).
  20. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/george-diaz-deflategate-outrage-over-tom-brady-is-a-bunch-of-hot-air/ar-BBjs5ud This article sums up my feelings.
  21. And probably never will. Ahh well Maroon probably laughed all the way to the bank. Set himself up with a nice cushy retirement, and now has a job with way less pressure. I feel like he stole the money.
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