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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. Glad to hear he is lucid and can talk and move. We'll keep Bill in our prayers for a full recovery!
  2. I'm wathcing play by play on NFL dot com. Is it 3rd and 3? UPdates slow...
  3. I'm glad for Hogan, don';t think he gets the respect he deserves.
  4. It's like asking Joe Frazier to rope a dope. Most important lesson for managers - play to the strengths of the individuals on your team. Don't try to force them to excel in areas they don't. I say let the big dogs eat and the rest will take care of itself.
  5. It was more about emotionally pumping up the players, leading to big exuberant wins, followed by disappointing losses (sound familiar yet?). I'll start to be impressed when we win two or three in a row.
  6. Texans, Eagles, Redskins, Cowboys, Jets. With most at home. Right now that's looking pretty soft at the end to me, considering Texans, Cowboys and Jets are at home. A playoff caliber team should win all 5 of those, or at least 4 of 5. That's my expectation. If we don't, we have no right to be in the playoffs.
  7. Heaven forbid he does that. Think of how few sacks we'd be getting.
  8. Maybe he read the press today. Many articles berating the lack of discipline, with many suggesting it's the same old Rex, same problems he had with the Jets with lack of control. If that's what it takes for him to start to get it - hallelujah. But I'm not holding my breath. The zebra doesn't change it's stripes (no pun intended).
  9. Do you have some special insight that says the guy we see in the presser is different than the guy in the locker room? Outside of what he says to the media, the lack of discipline on the field is obvious to all. There is no evidence yet that he is doing anything about it.
  10. Emotion without discipline. Sounds like the coaches personal attribute to me. Rex has never been able to keep his emotions in check, never been able to exhibit the self-discipline required to filter what he says. If he can't control himself, how can he control a team?
  11. But Rex wants to be the players coach. He was defending them after the game, saying the team showed heart and didn't give up and that's what he wants. He would not address the penalties, other than to imply that they were not really penalties. He needs to get a grip and start instilling discipline!
  12. There will probably be one or two others, if this plays out in typical fashion
  13. It got me worried when everybody including most on this board were talking like we could just chalk this up as a W. Looks like the Bills thought they'd win by just showing up.
  14. Makes it hard to use them as a measuring stick for how good the Bills are.
  15. I'm not worried, and most experts are picking the Bills. That's a weird situation. Makes me worry.
  16. After spending the last few years in red zone hell - fretting every time we got down there about whether we'd somehow manage to score - I'm loving this change! I don't even think about redzone anymore because we score so often when we're outside it Combine that with an awesome D, and the fact that all of it is under a new coach/scheme and already this good, and it's pretty easy to be excited about this team. I know we've been hot at season's starts before but this has so much more of a positive feel to it - given the talent and situation. Why not us, Why not now?
  17. impressive indeed! I know the season is young but having a real QB with signicant production/points from the offense is such a welcome and long awaited change. Remember the 'can't score in the red zone' angst we suffered for so long? Just hoping we could score in the red zone a little more, to allow us to eek out one or more wins with our great defense. Seems like a bad dream now. This is really getting fun again!
  18. 11-5 if we beat Miami Sunday. 10-6 if we lose. I see us winning our last 5 in a row: Houston home game (revenge for last year) At Eagles At Redskins Cowboys home game Jets home game We can go into the last 5 with a 6-5 record and still come out 11-5 and on a roll for the playoffs.
  19. You could replace "Jest" with "Bills and have an equally good case. Just saying. Now that we know the Colts aren't too hot, and the Patriots beat us are much better than us (as always), it looks like we really don't know how good (or bad) we are. The Dolphins will be a good measuring stick.
  20. True - But he's smart enough not to talk about it - just takes it out on the field.
  21. I was disappointed that we rarely blitzed. Once we see that the front 4 pressure, drop into coverage approach is not working, why not try something different? Maybe Brady still gets out the throws, but: a) you're in his face (possibly affecting accuracy) b) you get a lot more hits (affects his nerves) c) you probably also get a few more sacks. It seems Rex wanted to outfox the Patriots "they expect me to blitz, so I won't and they won't be ready for it". I'm ok with trying the outfox approach initially, but when it is obvious it's not working I at least want to see an adjustment. Sticking with the game plan no matter the outcome is Marronish and bothersome. Probably we'd still have lost, but I'd have felt better about it. Unleash our torrential pass rush and then see how Brady likes it. Of course he'll take this approach next time, and they'll be assuming he will and....sigh
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