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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. I'm not giving up hope. The D is finally unleashed, Brady having a very tough time. Yeah they got the lucky TD at the end of the half (such a critical missed FG!), but we can still pull this out. If they told you before the game we'd have held them to 3 points with 1 minute left in the half, everybody would have been happy.
  2. Just like they all say they win when they go to the casinos!
  3. Concerning the Bruce Smith thing. Yeah I remember him being sick with the flu for a playoff game in Pittsburgh. I was really pissed off about it because it came out that he had not bothered to get a flu shot that year. I feel the same way about these players now - it should be mandatory that you get flu shots - otherwise this kind of thing can wreak havoc on your team for awhile.
  4. I want to win as much as any Bills fan, but am tired of hearing Jackasses talking about breaking bones. Give it a rest.
  5. I was thinking the same thing. I worry that Rex will be treating this like it's the damn Super Bowl, get everybody all jacked up, then we get beat and injuries. I'd rather lose this one and win 5 of the last 6. Hell even 4 of the last 6 would probably work (9-7 probably gets you in this year).
  6. D came through with some seriously clutch plays. About time they won one for us!
  7. Posted Today, 09:08 PM I'm thinking our D is going to have to win one for us for a change. AND they did - Thanks - that was a nail biter but a must win and the defense pulled through in some clutch situations. Oops posted in wrong thread...
  8. I'm thinking our D is going to have to win one for us for a change.
  9. I did some ciphering and figured out that if you don't ever win two in a row, you can't finish above .500.
  10. They owned the Jets big time last year. If they fall short this year it's gonna make Ryan look pretty bad.
  11. Is that still deserted? I remember working for the cable company in Niagara Falls back in 1979. I'm up on the pole doing a disconnect, right across the street the whole Love canal area is fenced off and there's guys walking around in full body moon suits. Creeped me out a bit.
  12. 1984. I remember it because the Bills were 0-11. I was living in Dallas and wore my Bills shirt to a down home breakfast joint in Garland (Dallas suburb). Lots of snide looks (they didn't like Yankees), and the locals were all feeling cockly. Memorable win for me when we beat them in Dallas that day. Bills went on to win one more to go 2-14. When things are that low, you take comfort in small miracles. Oh they also went 2-14 the next year. Lean times as a Bills fan.
  13. I sum up the last decade and a half as a Bills fan like this. Charlie Brown kicking the football. Always think we're going to do it, that it's going to be different. Find different ways each year to get excited in the offseason. Then the inevitable happens. Oh well - maybe next year. Right...
  14. same for me, started buffering during the Dareus piece, now just the twirling circle. Was great for the 1/2 hour earlier...
  15. We better beat them both. If we lose either we're toast and this board is going to come unglued.
  16. I didn't say we suck. I said it's the same old same old. This was the year things were supposed to be different, when we were actually going to beat some of the good teams (at least at home for cripe's sake). But what we're heading for is another playoff-less year. It's damned disappointing and I don't know how anyone would color it anything other than that.
  17. He ought to, but he won't. I think his ego is big enough that he wants to prove how great "his" defense is. As many others have said, we need to get rid of the thick playbook, moving everybody around to "confuse" the offense. Seems we're only confusing ourselves. When Mario Williams starts talking about how often he's asked to drop into coverage, you ought to have an inkling that there's a problem. I mean seriously, pass coverage - that's the best way to use him? I'm seriously missing the Schwartz
  18. So what? Every year for as long as I can remember, this is what we do: Lose to all but 1 (sometimes in a good year 2) teams with winning records. Beat most (but not all) teams with losing records. Guess what you end with? 7-9, 8-8, 9-7. So tired of the same old S**t sandwich. Did I forget to add the usual "but consider the injuries" excuse?
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