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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. I agree. So much tougher for defenses. For much of the recent past we've been missing this element and the defense would just stack the box against the run. Remember all those times struggling to get into the red zone, and not finding a way in once the field was shortened? With TT the big plays show everyone we can strike deep at any time, and they have to try to figure out how to defend that, and the run (with a pretty good McCoy) and now also TT's runs. It makes it tough on everyone. Only thing I miss is last year's D.
  2. What, you don't think we'll win out? That's only five in a row. And we've already won two in a row once, and one in a row three times. Shouldn't be a problem.
  3. Sometimes he is just saying stupid s*it because, well, that's what stupid people do.
  4. How true and how sad. Up 10 to zip, D shutting them down, Sammy making nice grabs. Everything going our way! You cheer, you can't believe what you're seeing. But deep down inside you're waiting for the bubble to burst, wondering when and how it will all go sour. So sad our conditioning has brought us to this.
  5. I thought Rex said last week "this is our defense" implying that what he brought against the Pats (quite succesfully I might add), would be what we'd be seeing from here on out. And then all of a sudden today, poof it disappears - no QB pressure. Why oh why does this moron keep deciding he has to try to outsmart? You can almost hear his wheels turning..."Hey I'll tell them this is our D, then I'll lay low with no QB pressure the next week - oh yeah, that'll really f with their minds. Genius...".
  6. Rex said in his presser a couple weeks back (inadvertantly I assume) "We have to play smarter than we are". Unfortunately since that is not possible, we probably need a coach that is smarter than you are.
  7. If you go back to all the other QB's we've had for the past 15 years they've all had worse flaws. Remember all the interceptions with Fitzy (never sure which Fitzy would show up)? Remember driving the field w dink and dunks w Orton, only to find we simply cannot get into the end zone? Remember Losman (or was it Trentative), running out of bounds on 4th down? Piss and moan is all this board seems to do. Is it evenly remotely possible to look on the bright side and recognize all the positives our current QB brings?
  8. I think the Panthers D had something to do with that. Getting behind by a bunch early tends to negate the running game.
  9. I agree. If he was turning the ball over left and right it would be one thing, but he's not. His big play capability keeps the other D honest, and helps our run game. He's not perfect but I think he's the best fit our team has had in quite some time.
  10. Frankly, if we had made the field goal near end of half we would have won. Lead to ten point swing. Then we'd all be celebrating the genius defensive game plan instead of bemoaning the loss.
  11. I agree, he got up a little slow on that. Then falling on it again probably made it hurt worse.
  12. With a 70% completion percentage (highest in NFL going in to the game), I think it's safe to say the deep ball is not all he has. No one completes that many deep passes
  13. I like a QB that doesn't give the ball away much while he's learning. He also has a pretty damn good deep ball which normally helps our run game, and he has good accuracy. Let's not throw him under the bus because he came up 7 points shy to the undefeated reigning Super Bowl champs. That's a huge overreaction.
  14. Really - we're on to next year already, and giving up on TT? Crazy talk.
  15. Cuz he picked the Bills to win and now he's down a game in their pool. But seriously I think he wanted to see a good D beat NE.
  16. Frankly it all came down to the missed FG near the end of the half. Then NE gets great field position and scores the TD by the skin of their teeth with 13 seconds left. That's a 10 point swing in their favor. I think it would have been enough to get us a win. BUT NOOOO we have to choke on the kick...
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