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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. All I want for Christmas is to hear that Wrex is gone. Too freaking painful to watch a top tier defense that we only get once a decade get turned into a joke by this ham-fisted fool. I can't stand another year with him at the helm.
  2. Insert "Bills" for "Redskins" and the only thing not true is "in contention for a division title". If they are so horrible, what the hell are we?
  3. Ryan: " We're not gonna give up" Team: "you got a mouse in your pocket?" Man they are trying hard to preserve his job Please fire Wrex - sooner not later
  4. Just to clarifiy, when I said fired now I was talking end of season, not the literal now.
  5. Really good defenses only come along every so often. We had one but Wrex ruined it with his new schemes this year (and refusal to recognize that perhaps running a D more like last years would be more beneficial). If he stays one more year and releases some of the D to get players who "fit" his scheme, he will be ruining it even more. I'd love to see him fired now. But if what is said above is true and he'll be given one more year, then a year from now when he's fired, we will have missed the window of opportunity with this D, AND be starting over with a new coach. That's just awesome, I'm really looking forward to more years down the drain. What I don't understand is Wrex finally unleashed the QB pressure in the second NE game, and to a large extent it worked - the NE offense was in disarray. After the game Wrex said "that's our defense" implying that was what he was planning to showcase thereafter. Then the next games all of a sudden "poof" we're back to no pressure (except perhaps early w KC) and then QB's are picking us apart again. It is infuriating to me to watch our window of opportunity with a really good D get squeezed down because of an egotistical coach who refuses to adjust to anything except what he can call "his" scheme. I hate the lack of continuity we have been having but we should fire Wrex now before he does more damage.
  6. Great, let's decimate the great defense we had and have to rebuild it all. Way to go Wrex!
  7. I was talking about bringing him back as DC, not HC.
  8. Rex ripped the heart out of the defense with his over-scheming, drop your QB pressuring monsters into coverage crap.
  9. Schwartz is available, said he wants to return to coaching next year. Didn't say if that meant head coach or coordinator but article said likely the latter. If I could spend a bunch of Pegula's money I'd fire Rex at end of this season with his big payout. Possibly promote Roman to HC (or find someone else) and bring back Schwartz. Given how he was unceremoniously dumped by the Bills, would he consider? I just have a thing for great defenses (which don't come around very often) and find it a travesty what happened to ours after he left. Frankly, if Rex was canned, I don't see anyone taking him as HC or even DC. I think he ruined his cred as the defensive genius this year.
  10. I disliked the hire from day one. Dislike it even more now that he decimated our defense. Some defensive genius. How about this genius, figure out what defensive schemes we used last year (when we were a top ranked D) and continue them. You know, when we used to play to the strengths of our playmakers? I hate even more the fact that by the time we figure out he's not the right coach, much of this team's talent will be gone. Go ahead Lucy, pull the football away again.
  11. W three timeouts we can still stop them and get the ball back and go get the tying FG and then go to OT and then well do the winning thingy. Can't we?
  12. We're going to have one last try with about 3 min left. Tyrod time!
  13. Actually I'm not sure about a bomb but I wouldn't be surprised to see us being a little pass oriented early to loosen up the run defense.
  14. A great tribute. Bittersweet, as were those years. I do hope our current Bills all watch to try to get a feel for the history of the team they play for, and to recognize the unsatiated hunger in all Bills fans and Buffalonians. Go Bills!
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