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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. If Peterman starts it will be a fiasco. If McD has not already lost the team he surely will if he starts Peterman after that abysmal performance in the 1st half. It will be interesting to see how McDermott deals with all the "what were you thinking" nasty press he's going to get this week. Sometimes (too many times if you're a Bills fan) coaches double down on stupidity - because the upside is the chance to show the dumb decision wasn't so dumb. Let's hope he doesn't go there.
  2. With a great D we wouldn't need a Steve Young. A ball control QB could suffice. With a sh#t D you still lose no matter the QB.
  3. The D just collapsed after the Dareus trade. It can't be just missing his talent. Did that crush the D's belief in the coach?
  4. This feels different - and I feel myself slipping into a well worn optimistic "we may have a shot mode" again. Which is scary. Oh hell with it, they got me again - we are for real Go Bills!!!
  5. Face it, after being playoff deprived this long, just getting there would be considered a huge improvement. Anyone who thinks we're going to get to the Superbowl while Brady is still playing as good as he has been is delusional.
  6. And it's not anywhere the majority of fans that don't want him here. I think most do want him and thought keeping him was the best thing to do. I'm just happy Rex & his three ring circus is gone. I can start cheering for my team again (had to take last year off - too damn PO'd about what he did to our top 5D).
  7. Ah yes, the old "moral victory will taste so good" argument. Eventually... if you see it before you kick the bucket. Please get real, no one is going to remember all that crap except Bills fans jealous of their supremacy. And before you write me off - I've been a die-hard Bills fan for over 40 years. I also recognize greatness when I see it.
  8. To have over half the households tuned into the game in cities with over 4 million people seems pretty impressive to me. Here in Atlanta a whole lot of the other half were at their neighbors or friends homes, or watching at bars. I can say a lot of people were pulling for Atlanta to win, but they really didn't seem that upset about the loss. Most are not really that passionate - they just move on and say oh well it was a fun ride. Let's face it, after 8-8 the year prior, not many expected to be there in the first place. As has been said, when you talk college football here, now that draws the passion.
  9. Two wasted years and that's depressing, but at least they saw the light and got rid of the loud mouth, jacka$$ and his brother. Is it possible we could get Pettine back as DC? Seems he's been idle.
  10. Dude has about a 2" long screw in his foot. An article by a doctor suggested the hardware itself can cause pain. I think they need to do the surgery to get that thing out of there or he has no prayer of being himself. The foot is a pretty complicated device with 26 bones, all moving around as you jump/run etc. How can a pro athlete who relies so much on his foot NOT be bothered by a screw in there?
  11. Congrats to Wade, always was a class act. Loved him when he was here, hated to see him go. Glad he finally got a ring. I'm quite confident I will never be able to say any of those things about Rex.
  12. The number 1 defense. Because that would likely mean they'd be even better than the Broncos, who were in the top 10 all time this year. Top 10 all time defense - I like my Super Bowl chances.
  13. I expect him to be fired today, and with just cause. Burfict should also be released. Imagine the dismay of the fans having no playoff wins in 25 years, lots of recent chances (all losses) and then they get the come from behind lead with a rally by their young backup QB. The fumble sucked, and as some already mentioned should not have happened as coach should have just been burning time to set up the FG. Then, the ultimate in horror shows - the animal on the team that had been left uncontrolled the whole game, causes the penalties to set up the chip shot FG that broke the fans hearts (again). Even my wife said early in the third that number 55 should be benched or he was going to cost them the game due to doing something stupid in the final minutes. You didn't have to be clairvoyant to see it coming. Lewis lost control of his players, even after being warned in advance not to let it happen. The owner has no choice but to can him.
  14. Been a Bills fan for 49 years, through the thick and thin. But frankly, I'm taking a year off - cannot cheer for a Bills team with jackass Rex Ryan as a coach. I'll check in at the end of next year when you're all screaming for his head. Once he's canned, I'll be back. See you in a year.
  15. I'll chime in, I actually was happy w the defense in the rematch w NE. It was very effective in disrupting Brady and the flow of the offense. What bothered me was after the game Ryan said "that's our D, that's what your going to see". Then we never saw it again, it disappeared like a mirage. WTF? I agree that mostly this article points out that Wrex didn't know how to recognize the 'straight up one on one we'll beat you' type talent that our defense had, and instead assumed that the only way to make it better (we'll be number one!), was to implement a bunch of trickery. Trickery that was confusing to our big dogs that just want to feast on the QB. I don't see him changing in his view that the best way to beat today's offenses is to confuse them. He seems to feel an innate desire to outsmart (perhaps because he can't stand everyone talking about how smart Bellichek is). But fact is, he does not seem smart enough to change his perspective. For that reason, I think we are better off cutting our losses and him.
  16. I hope the Jets blow Wrex out of the water 45-0. As you said, it seems all he worries about is his first obsession - beating the Patriots, and then his new one - beating the Jets. All about me. Screw the team, they'll either adapt to me genius defensive scheming or I'll send them packing. Jack-@ss
  17. I wholeheartedly agree. Just like Rex sucked the life out of the defense, I can honestly say having Rex stay and watching what you describe above will suck the life out of me as a fan, in a fashion that I have not experienced before. I've been a fan since I was 10 yrs old back in '68. But if Rex stays and the players start to go, I may have to take a pause.
  18. This must happen, unfortunately. Fans can only take so much.
  19. Wrex is basically challenging the players to play now or there will be changes. I think they give up on him and we lose in embarrasing fashion at home, especially against the Jets (he'll want that win bad). A significant portion of the fan base wants him gone. If he is not, for the first time in a long time I think you will see fans give up on the team, and take a literal "time out" for however long he is here. That will send a message to the Pegula's but unfortunately, with one more year with Ryan, the team will be a shell of it's former self and we'll be into multiple years of losing (again). Fans have put up with a lot, but there is a limit. I hope the Pegula's don't test that limit.
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