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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. As one poster mentioned it's kind of odd that blacks can use the N word and it's fine, but if a white uses the term it means he's a racist bastard. Even if the white uses the term in an endearing fashion (as blacks often do with each other), it is considered ok if they two know each other, but may or may not be considered ok if they don't, all depending on how the person hearing it chooses to interpret the meaning behind it. Since the word itself has many meanings and must be understood in context, it seems ridiculous to suggest a player should be cut from their team for uttering it (if he did, which frankly no one knows). This is a non-issue.
  2. Possible, but not likely. Fromm is the real deal and the GA D is both fired up and getting plenty of rest.
  3. At the risk of being blasted, sometimes really good defenses can make offenses look like the suck. I'm not saying we don't need improvement (we do), but let's see if anybody else is capable of putting up a bunch of points on this Jacksonville squad in the playoffs before making full judgement.
  4. Congrats to the Bills - we'll be back and better next year. So glad the playoff drought gorilla is off our backs!!! Hope TT is ok too...
  5. OR Maybe I'll feel better if Pittsburgh only manages 3 points too.
  6. BS We don't need to hang our heads. We are good and getting better. Go away troll!
  7. I don't see Shady being a factor in this game - other than possibly as a decoy. We need Murphy to surprise everyone with a monster game. I'm just praying coach doesn't expect Tolbert to be the answer for us. Too damn slow.
  8. I was reading the Bills game thread and watching NFL.com play by play for Bengals Ravens info (after Buffalo had the game in hand). Then I checked the TV and they had switched from the Titans Jags game to the Ravens Bengals so I got to watch the last couple minutes. 4th and 12 and I'm thinking no way, here goes our season again and then: miracle of miracles - they get the TD. I'm 59 and a Bills fan since I was 10. I jumped up and down like a kid, shouted, pumped my fists. Then my eyes watered up and I came back to the Bills board, to share the joy with my long suffering Bills fans, and frankly so my family wouldn't see any tears. It felt kind of weird getting that emotional about this but the drought has been so long it kind of overwhelmed me. In a good way. It's kind of awesome.
  9. What a finish to that Bengals game - it had as much intensity for me as if the Bills were playing in it. As Joe Bonamassa sang "Had to cry today"... Go BILLS!!!
  10. I tip my hat to all the loyal and long suffering Bills fans - we deserve this guys - the curse is OVER!
  11. Lucy pulls the ball away again, but just at the last second for poor old Charlie Brown. Maybe next year...
  12. 2nd and 19 for Ravens, please stop them here Bengal Buddies!
  13. 4th quarter, down by 7, 4th and 1 at the NE 32 yard line. 13 minutes to play. Let's kick a FG. We miss, they march downfield and get the TD to put them up by 14. Game over - realistically we are not going to overcome a two touchdown deficit at NE. We should have went for it on 4th down. If we get it, and possibly the TD that could follow the game is tied and possibly we get a totally different outcome. How the hell do you think getting another FG is going to help? By then NE was scoring TD's and we needed to keep pace. Very frustrating stupid call.
  14. My meter senses an upset for the Bills. Course I've been wrong before
  15. I agree, I don't think they engineer any domes for 7 ft of snow, which happened in Orchard Park just a few years ago.
  16. I think there might be some practical concerns with a domed stadium in Buffalo. Nov 2014, seven foot of snow fell in Orchard Park. Can domes safely handle that weight? And if they can, can they be built to also be retractable? I doubt it. Maybe some mechanical engineers can weigh in but I suspect the choice is a super heavy duty, non-retractable dome, or open air. I hate the idea of losing the outdoors feel at games, and say no to a dome.
  17. Weird but we have 7 inches of snow here in north Atlanta. Fluke early Dec snowfall on Friday. I don't normally like the all red uni's, but they look kinda nice against the white snow.
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