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Georgia Bill

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Posts posted by Georgia Bill

  1. On 9/24/2020 at 6:47 AM, Mickey said:

    Does this mean that the Church of the Holy Completion Percentage, overwhelmed with apostates at last, is closing its doors for good? Or will we be assaulted with preachy sermons on high level analytics on Allen's DVOACRAP  percentage from every street corner the second he has anything less than a perfect game?



    First, I'll say I was a little nervous about the pick, but fell in love with him as a QB during the Dallas game.  The keeper play (in my avatar) sold me on his heart and drive.  As for your question, we all know this board well enough to know that it's gush over Josh time now, but that your second sentence describes what's going to happen as soon as he has the inevitable come back to earth game.  I'm just hoping those keep getting further and further apart 😉

  2. 6 hours ago, Buffalo716 said:

    There's nobody running it. It was on a continuous loop for 3 hours

    I think that was true of the sound pumped onto the field at the stadium - read that somewhere.  But it seems the sound that the TV broadcasters overlaid was not on a loop.  At least in the Saints/Bucs game, the sound seemed to match the situation pretty well.   

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