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The Hornell Kid

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Everything posted by The Hornell Kid

  1. Im a member of the legion, but i watch the games at vinnys
  2. I live in Hornell. Htown in the house!
  3. I used to put the Games in water when I was a kid if blowing in them didnt work. me and my friends all did it and it worked every time. Another thing we did was take the game cartige apart and used a pencil eraser on the contacts of the game.
  4. Online madden sucks because there is glitches in that game that will allow you to get sacks almost every down if you know the glitch. there are other glitches too that allow for insane high scoring with certain teams.
  5. He has good stats except for win %. And to be a HOF'er you need to be a winner.
  6. I think he is in the CFL or the MFL
  7. I have seen threads where people have referred to Drew as a future HOF'er. I don't think this is true unless he wins a Super Bowl as a starter before he retires.
  8. If a laptop today cant handle Office it shouldent be on the market. I have to say dell is good though. i kick the crap out of mine and it keeps on ticking.
  9. I have a dell, but I would rather have a sony viao with a High Def screen or an apple ibook or powerbook. they would be perfect for what you would be useing it for.
  10. I worked at wegmans for 8 years and its not the best.
  11. Wont the colts still being playing for a possible bye week in the first round?
  12. Yeah it does feel good, but there is somthing missing.
  13. "I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit and on the slitted sheet I sit"
  14. I also have 6 if anybody wants.
  15. All you fricken post padders.....
  16. Heres What I would Do Get 2 watchguard SOHO 6TC's set one up at each site to create a VPN Tunnel. Then run Windows XP Remote Access through the VPN. This will give you double encryption. the watchguard are about $250 apiece. This Will cover you on the HIPPA requirements also. I Use this setup to connect 22 sites to my main office and it works pretty slick.
  17. If he is running XP on both machines he should just use remote access. its built into XP and Its Free. And as far as HIPPA is concerned all that is being transmitted is screen shots and keystrokes and i belive remote access uses 128 bit encryption.
  18. He was awsome on BattleBots though.
  19. Well considering that this was supposed to be a “Trap Game” I think the Bills played a pretty good game against a division rival on the road. Yeah, the defense started out sucking a big one, but they stepped up in the second half. A win is a win. Enjoy it.
  20. Does the CFL have drug testing?
  21. Can we trade him to a team in the CFL for future considerations?
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