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The Hornell Kid

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Everything posted by The Hornell Kid

  1. Who was the putz?
  2. Yeah because these announcers suck.
  3. You might want to check your facts.
  4. Sounds good but im not a fan of brain washing
  5. Actully if you have a 4 year degree its pretty easy to get in. There is a ton of paper work though. The peace corp website says the application process take anywhere from 3-6 months. My plan is to time it so I wont have to sell my season tickets. Then hopefully leave in Feburary after a Bills win in Superbowl XL.
  6. Acctully the peace corp is looking for "IT People" to set up networks for goverments in underdeveloped countries and to teach basic computer skills.
  7. Done that. I have a degree in Networking Administration.
  8. I'm seriously considering going in and would like to know what peoples experiences were. Thanks for any info.
  9. In 2012 London games. CNN
  10. NASA World wind is better. It has alot more options and better photos. NASA World Wind
  11. Snape is bad. He is a Vampire and a spy for the death eaters
  12. I think Snape will kill Dumbledoor!
  13. Here are the finalist for the Tom Donahoe chants TD! Trade Henry! TD! Trade Henry! and TD! TD! TD! TD!
  15. Im also working on a Tom Donahoe chant but its not done yet.
  16. Im a little slow
  17. How about a willis Mcgahee chant like this.... WG! TD! WG! TD!
  18. and when I say clasic I mean Classic
  19. and when I say clasis I mean Clasic
  20. I belive it was turner clasis movies
  21. If henry sits out the whole season wouldnt he still owe a year on his contract?
  22. Bill Pullman is from Hornell, but it is easy to get them confused. they are basiclly the same actor and they both suck.
  23. who the hell is bill paxon? do you mean Bill paxton? or Bill Pullman
  24. Take both and you should be fine.
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