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The Hornell Kid

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Everything posted by The Hornell Kid

  1. Sit in the family section then.
  2. So are you saying I shouldn't wear my mask and should just sit there an be quite the whole game?
  3. pitt denver kc indy tedy brewski
  4. Draft Oline with every pick in 2006. Then draft Brady Quinn in 2007.
  5. Total Access on the NFL Network reported that Eric Moulds did state that Holcomb was starting this week.
  6. Is there any room left in the limo?
  7. How about 2 picks and a starting center?
  8. JP is the future
  9. Fire TD before the draft then.
  10. It was actully recorded 10 years ago but just realesed recently
  11. What do you use to edit the videos?
  12. In no patucilur order The Sopranos House Family Guy Entourage NFL Primetime
  13. I also hate people rooting for their fantasy players that are on the oposing team. I heard this from a bills fan sunday. "I hope Andre Johnson scores 2 TDs." You should be shot for that
  14. Yeah I had it on early but it got way to hot so I took it off. Fiesta in section 203!
  15. Good Job I only left at half time to take a leak. I was in row 5 seat 3 and people in the two rows in front of me left at the end of 3rd to beat traffic because ith the game was "over". And the first 3 rows sat the whole game. You will see me wearing the mask im my avatar against the falcons. It was too Dam hot to wear it sunday.
  16. Well I never said anything about standing the whole game. And yes I can definatly yell louder while standing. I belive you should be standing and making noise the whole time the defense is on the feild except during commercial breaks
  17. Section 203 was full of a bunch of pussys. I am ashamed to have season tickets in a section that wants to sit the whole game and people who leave at the end of the 3rd quarter.
  18. The BK guy just picked off DB for a TD
  19. Bills obviously. Will it be a bonus game or will you have to pay for the additional game? I think if they do this that all the profits for any Saints Home(Away) games should be donated to the relif fund.
  20. How would they handle season ticket holders?
  21. I have no idea what that means and I dont think I want to find out.
  22. How anyone can think Picard > Kirk is beyond me. Without Kirk there would be no Picard. Therfore Kirk will always be > Picard.
  23. I heard he is out for the season.
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