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Coach Tuesday

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Posts posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. -LT's are just so ridiculously f'ing big these days. Nobody beats them inside anymore simply because there's rarely enough room to do so.

    -With PhatPat and the Keg forming arguably the best DT combo in the NFL, I think the Bills rarely feel the need to run twists which would get Schoebel inside, nor do they want their Ends crashing down with power moves because of the high likelihood that they're just going to run into traffic. I think the rarity of Schoebel's inside moves are as much a result of the design of the Bills defense as they are anything else.

    -He doesn't see the doubles which often push Ends inside but nobody else really does either. I'm guessing this is a result of the huge increase in the size of LT's but seeing DE's doubled is becoming increasingly rare over the years. Not saying that it doesn't happen, or that other premeir Ends don't draw more than Schoebel; it's just that I think they're becoming a less common strategy as the league (d)evolves.

    -The Bills desire to steer the running game into the strenght of their defense (PhatPat, the Keg, Fletcher, Milloy) often has Scoebel playing a contain role on early or shortdistance downs. If he takes inside moves on thse downs, he destroys the integrity of the run D.



    Those are fair points, and for the most part I agree and I have found it increasingly difficult to find holes remaining in Schobel's game. That being said, there still appear to be games (1-3 already this year) where he seems to be completely ineffective because he's rushing past the play EVERY DOWN. You may be right that it's the scheme, not him freelancing, but if that's the case there is something wrong with the scheme. If I had to guess which games those are, I'd say probably the games against solid power-draw offenses (the Pats?), where Gray likes to rush the ends deep and keep the tackles in to squeeze the pocket and keep containment - in those situations, although Schobel might be playing an important role he does not seem to be making the impact a player of his caliber ought to be making. IMO we'd be better off in those circumstances rushing Posey or a d-back to squeeze the pocket and keep Schobel upfield to run around and make plays. Just a minor critique though - like you I find it difficult to find fault with anyone on this front 7.

  2. MM said this week Jason Peters has been working almost exclusively at tackle, and MM may want him to stick around McNally all offseason rather than go to NFL Europe. They're really trying to find a diamond in the rough with this one... If he doesn't work out, I think they may move MW over, under McNally's tutelage of course, and try to get Price, MacFarland or even Teague ready to man the RT spot. I just don't see them shelling out big $$ for a tackle, and Jennings is as good as gone (you just don't franchise someone as inconsistent as he is).

  3. Well he's right though, isn't he? And it turns out Spiked L was right too, and Belicheck, etc. You just have to hope that the organization realizes it - I think they do, you don't even have to read between the lines at this point, it's obvious that they get it. Read MM today, he admits Bledsoe doesn't play well on the road for whatever reason. They drafted a QB in Round 1, and sacrificed a lot to do it. They know. There seem to be a determined, stubborn bunch of fans who still won't acknowledge it, and games like yesterday's just add fuel to their cause. THAT'S WHAT THEY MEANT when those NE fans told us, "Just you wait, Bledsoe will break your heart." He looks soooo competent one game and then so attrocious the next. Just enough to make you believe, just enough that you want just one more taste to be sure. He's a coach killer, an organization killer, dressed as an angel. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy - but Pure Failures are often sweethearts. One of life's mysteries.

  4. From the "Ask Donahoe" article at BB.com:


    Jimi (Poughkeepsie, NY): Tom, it seemed in past years you were very defensive when criticized about your decisions as GM. Now that you're answering these weekly questions on the website, is there any decision you've made in your tenure with Buffalo that you regret?


    There are obviously some you would like to do over. Hindsight is always 20-20, but looking back, there probably would have been some different coaching decisions made after the second year when our team went 8-8.




    Well, sheeeet, Tom - didn't you tell us to "save the postage" on that one? I think you owe us each a stamp.

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