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Coach Tuesday

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Posts posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. :blink:


    I'm locking my doors tonight.....



    It won't matter - ever seen The Grudge? You've offended The Ghost of TSW - now he'll follow you around from thread to thread, issuing outrageous challenges ("Prove you're not a rotting corpse! Oh, so you don't take me up on that challenge? Then it MUST BE because you ARE a rotting corpse!") and swordfighting with his windmills.

  2. Perhaps this has been discussed previously but I don't understand why we didn't re-sign Marcus Price, extremely serviceable lineman and our reluctance to  re-sign either Jonas or Pat. Yeah, I know their collective price tags were too much but I see gaps in both of our lines now with minimal experience at back up. Surely we can afford to slightly overpay to keep some continuity.



    Obviously you haven't been reading the Board lately. TD purposely is ignoring the o-line because he wants to sabotage the team, so that the franchise can be bought up cheaply and moved to Toronto.


    Oh, also, Bill Belicheck, Tom Donahoe, Scott Paoli, Sam Wyche, Mike Mularkey and Tom Clements, as well as the majority of Bills, Pats and Cowboys' fans, and the majority of posters here are all wrong and ignorant - as two or three geniuses who take the time away from their jobs as quantum physicists to post here have pointed out - Bledsoe is one of the greatest QBs of all-time and we screwed up royally by releasing him.

  3. Schawbl's sounds good; never been there, but I don't think I could order a beef on weck over their fish fry. Just sounds too damn good.


    Someone who still lives in Buffalo should be able to tell you if the Anderson's beef on weck is good. It's a Buffalo fast food joint, kind of like a Dairy Queen. I grew up near the Sheridan Drive one, but the only thing I ever went there for was a lemon ice or a custard. Anderson's Custard



    I'm all Veggie now, but Andersen's used to have the best BOW.

  4. According to the draft value chart the 44th pick is about 110 points more valuable then the 55th pick.  This mean's TD is bascially requesting the equivilant of an early 4th round pick and Shelton for Henry.  The way to even this out is to throw in our 5th or 6th rounder to make this deal.  So the trade would be something like


    Az. trades Shelton and its second round pick to Buffalo for Henry, the Bills round 2 pick and the Bills 6th rounder.  The Bills still get significant extra value and the Cards get some return to even out giving up 11 spots in round 2.


    As to what the Bills want--well they want flexibility.  Having 11 more players available when they pick gives them this flexibility.  The DL needs one more interior player to compete, particularly if Bannan is going to focus some on Offense--we need a rotational player to add to the top 3 (Adams, Edwards and Anderson--sorry Indy Dave--I know Sape should count...) and if we acquire Shelton, the Bills should look at interior OL talent. 


    I think the replacement for Clements is already on the roster....his name is Troy Vincent, who still can play corner well in 06 and 07 I believe.  Rashad Baker will be ready to step in for Vincent after this year.


    If we go away from the interior lines on O and D for the 2nd round pick I would look at WR, TE, RB as the priorities.  Moulds will be cut after this year unless he redoes his deal again in the '05 offseason, a great TE gives JP an outlet and Willis' injury history still scares me...



    Great post, Joe_F, I think this is exactly how it will shake out.

  5. btw, for those who care, this is the precise example they gave us in law school to explain the doctrine of "res ipsa loquitur," or, "the thing speaks for itself." In cases like these, you don't have to prove negligence - obviously someone was negligent, or there wouldn't be a finger in the chili (how could something like this happen w/o negligence)? The plaintiff (assuming no quick settlement, which is rare these days) just sits back and lets the potential defendants - Wendy's, the meat processor (assuming not a Wendy's subsidiary or indemnitee), the shipping co. - fight amongst themselves as to who will have to pay him.

  6. It used to be you'd feel sorry for the person.  These days, finding a severed body part of any kind in your food is the equivilent of winning the lottery.  Damn, I want a big toe in my chilli.  I bet Wendy's corporate would send you $10,000 just not to tell anyone.



    Seriously. You'd be surprised how often this stuff happens, actually. People find baby mice in their Coke bottles, etc. The large settlements they receive require confidentiality. Happens all of the time.


    That all being said, I encourage each and every one of you to become vegetarian - it's the better life from a moral and health standpoint, (IMO obviously).

  7. :huh: Antowain was an above average back who has played several years in the NFL as a starter, holds two Super Bowl rings, and may still land somewhere again for another year or two - hardly a bust. I think we have the same old problem here. If a player (a) didn't gain 1500 yards for eight years straight or (b) left the Bills, he is, by definition a loser. Poor Antowain failed on both counts - he will only get dissed by TSW, even if he has had a pretty good career by NFL running back standards.



    I think it's a bit more complicated - this guy was a first round pick who purportedly made Thurman Thomas expendable... he was also a "power back" who broke one tackle a month... the backlash is understandable.

  8. Mk, the lesson to be learned here is that, in your unbounded desire to be the first to report to TSW an irrelevant tidbit (Stephen Alexander signing with the Broncos qualifies as such a pittance), try to be a bit more descriptive. Like, throw in a first name. And, indicate whether it was a trade or a signing. And, perhaps provide a link.

  9. That is BS.  There are several of us, who have harped the inability of our running backs for years, including Travis.  While Travis maybe a good stright ahead runner, he is very one dimensional and the play is known when he was in the game.  He has hands of stone, no ability to run downfield routes, cannot read a blitz and cannot block.  I for one have always stated he needed to be replaced even in his 1400 yard season, as he really isn't as good as the "hometown fans" make him out to be.  If he was he would have made several Probowls and not been given the one he got by being the 3rd alternate. 


    Give it a break there are several folks around here who can actually recognize plays and formations and can go beyond what Maddan 2004 tells them.   :lol:



    Do you dispute that there were games that Tavis singlehandedly won for us? Absolutely there were: 2003 home games against the Jets and Redskins, to name a couple. He simply carried the whole offense on his back a few times.


    Could we say the same about Drew? Absolutely not.


    I'm not saying Travis was/is an elite back - just that he was a good player for us, he came out of nowhere to fill a key need (remember Antoine Smith? Jonathan Linton??), and played tough and to win.

  10. I guess you are kind of new here...once the Bills decide they are going to part ways with a player (and in some cases before) Bills fans re-write history, and warp reality, so they feel can feel like the team is making all the right moves, and they can sleep better at night...it is all part of that thin-skinned, inferiority complex that Buffalo, and Buffalonians seem to adhere too, for no good reason...said player, once no longer a Buffalo Bill, is a p.o.s. who never did anything to warrent their adoration...they forget just two seasons ago, when they were saying that McGahee, who had  yet to play a down in the NFL, was a prima donna, didn't have the heart and grit that Henry has (or I guess I should say had!).  Travis Henry's biggest crime is that he is not as good as Willis McGahee...ignore the fact that there are only a few backs who might be....Travis is a "scumbag, and p.o.s"...just wait until Willis McGahee is demanding a "break the bank or trade me" contract...it will be coming soon...



    This is exactly right - it's part of a greater phenomenon in Buffalo (and other places) where fans view the team as some sort of entitlement... I suspect there are some posters in this thread who are no more intelligent than Travis is. Fake-Fat hit this nail on the head - THIS IS GOOD NEWS. Stop the whining, people. Fake-Fat is right, this means that TD is holding the cards. What we're witnessing is simply TD and Travis using the media to gain leverage - first TD "leaked" last week that Travis is screwing up the trade by inflating his contract demands and that the team will bring him back, now Travis is using the media to push back. So fuggin' what - this is how stuff gets done. I would guess Travis said this stuff at the request of his agent - it gains him leverage, because now TD absolutely has to deal the guy. All this does is make that more inevitable.


    As for the cheap shots at Travis' character, I just don't get them. Yes, the guy is a mental midget - I've said that before. But I've never questioned his heart, desire, or character as a teammate - his teammates love the guy, from what we've heard. And he played on a broken leg, for chrissake - Jonas Jennings wouldn't play through a fuggin bruise until his contract year, and now everyone is assailing TD for letting him go... really, y'all are screwed up.

  11. Villarial is better than DeMulling.  As for why TD is credited with being frugal, I'm not sure.  If he wants to, he pays.  I think, on paper, TD has been successful overall in FA as GM of the Bills.  But that really just covers who he signed and who he let leave.


      A big mistake, for example, was not signing Sam Adams following the 2001 season.  The  Bills contacted his agent Angelo Wright, but they weren't willing to talk any contract parameters prior to a visit, so he ended up signing with the Raiders for cheap.  The 2002 Bills ended up being all offense, no defense.  Adams presence probably would have meant playoffs for the Bills.  Following that F-up, Donahoe dumped Centers, Riemersma and Peerless Price from that offense, essentially 3 of the 5 top playmakers, and did not replace them.  On paper, he made the right calls.  Adams, Spikes, Posey and Milloy were a success on D and the 3 pass targets did not do very well when they left.  But he didn't replenish that offense, and the team once again missed the playoffs. 


      I have to wonder if he won't look smart for not overpaying Williams and Jennings, but at the same time still put a losing product on the field because he doesn't replace the impact they had with Buffalo.  It's a concern to me that Donahoe talked about needing to upgrade the offensive line and the playmaking ability on offense when they cut Drew, and essentially all they've done is swap out Bledsoe and Jennings for Losman.  To me, they NEED a TE.  They NEED a WR with the potential to actually do something when called upon(unlike Aiken, Reed or F.Smith).  They may not need a Pat Williams at DT, but they could use a big 2 gap run stuffer opposite Adams.  Ron Edwards is promising, but not in that regard.  I think the time is now to replace Posey. 


      I'm hoping like the Bills appear to be that guys like Dylan McFarland and Jason Peters step up under McNally's tutelage, but that's hardly all there is to it.  I can easily envision another losing season, and a real bad one if McGahee or Moulds or Sam Adams gets hurt.  They just don't appear to be leaving themselves much room for error.



    I think you hit the nail on the head, BADOL. But I'd add that part of the problem here is that TD's drafts have been inconsistent. He's found some stars, for sure, and some busts, for sure, but it's the in-between those extremes that's the problem: TD has drafted (or signed as UDFA) a slew of players who are quality special teamers but who just aren't able to step into the lineup if needed due to injury or to replace departed players. Examples: Neufeld, Crowell/Stamer/Haggan, Pucillo, Sobieski, KThomas, Wire, Reed, Aiken, Freddie, Burns, Sape, Edwards, Denney, etc. etc.


    You look at the Pats and Eagles (and Steelers), they have guys like these who step up and play like starters when needed, not like permanent backups. The fact is, Posey's replacement should already be on the roster. So should Jennings. So should the left guard position. Then you run into cap troubles having to fill needs through free agency.


    Bottom line: TD's drafts have been good, but not good enough.

  12. DeMulling might have been worth big bucks IF JMac viewed him as a player capable of doing a better job than Teague at C and this freed the Bills up to maintain our OL budget by moving Teague to LT.


    Such a maneuver may well have worked, but probably would not have as it would depend on both DeMulling being good enough to be this team's leader at C AND Teague having improved as a player over his adequate at best LT play for Denver.


    Of these two, if JMac is a believer in Teague then there might have been a reasonable chance that what he has gained in OL knowledge as a C and him at about the age of peak productivity for an athlete who might have made this switch successfully.


    However, JMac wouod have had to have been a big believer in DeMulling at C as there is little in his career that would indicate to me that he would have been much more than adequate at best (actually at around or a little less than) Yeague at C for the Bills.


    I think he was a player worth getting at a reasonable price but not worth busting the budget for.



    You have to think of it in the context of the upcoming draft: this year's draft is loaded with quality interior linemen. When you draft a guy like David Baas (who can play either guard or center), you've got him locked up for 4-5 years at an unbeatable cap number. Yes, there's a certain amount of risk built-in, because unlike DeMulling you don't have 3-4 years of pro performance to evaluate him on. But, that's why you have a scouting department and quality coaches. The bottom line is that it just doesn't make sense to pay an above-average guard like DeMulling $2-$3 mil per year, or a super guard like Wahle $4-$6 mil per year, when you can get an above-average young player in this year's draft at $500-$1.25 mil per year.

  13. Offensive lineman Terry suspended


    NFL.com wire reports


    SEATTLE (Sept. 1, 2003) -- Seattle Seahawks offensive lineman Chris Terry was suspended for the team's first four games for violating the NFL substance abuse and personal conduct policies.


    An NFL steatement said Terry also was fined an additional five game checks. He is eligible to return to the Seahawks' active roster on Oct. 6.


    In February, Terry agreed to undergo counseling and perform community service as part of a deal to defer prosecution of a charge he shoved his wife into a wall during an argument last summer.


    The Carolina Panthers released Terry in November after he failed to show up for a court appearance on the charge. He was signed off waivers by Seattle.





    The Associated Press News Service

  14. I wonder how much of my tax dollars pay this guys medical and food?


    The gov should wise up and have a Homeland Security Branch that dedicated to popping you one in the head if you dont need to be living and are of no use.


    How many peoples children are sick and dieing and people like this have health and abuse it.  The world is a sick place....  I guess all our answers will be answered when we pass and meet the Big Guy in the sky.



    DUDE, before you go build a bunker, the article was a JOKE. He even told us it was a satire in his post...

  15. Thats a disaster!  Being involved in that and the baseball scandal are really gonna be a black eye for 'roids.


    I long for the good ol' days when taking steroids used to be simpler; people did it for the love of 'roids--not for all the glamour and money it means nowadays.


    What are the kids supposed to do when they think, I sure want to use 'roids but I might end up like Barry Bonds? Sad day.



    I just wanna say, dingos are the greatest dogs on God's earth. Even though they can only be semi-domesticated, they are truly amazing creatures.

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